The Vatican

I am with you every day", theme of the 1st World Day of Grandparents and Elderly People

The Holy See has announced, in the Bulletin of April 20, the theme of the First World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which the universal Church will celebrate on July 25.

Maria José Atienza-April 20, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
World Grandparents Day

Photo: Ekaterina Shakharova/ Unsplash

The theme chosen by the Holy Father for the Day is "I am with you every day" (cf. Mt 28,20) and, as they emphasize in the informative note "wants to express the closeness of the Lord and the Church in the life of every elderly person, especially in this difficult time of pandemic".

"I am with you every day" is also a promise of closeness and hope that young and old can express to each other. In fact, not only grandchildren and young people are called to be present in the lives of the elderly, but the elderly and grandparents also have a mission of evangelization, proclamation, prayer and guiding young people to the faith.

A series of pastoral materials and tools prepared by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life will be available on the website in mid-June for the Day.

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