The Vatican

Unity and peace for Europe, the dream of Pope Francis

The Pope stressed the need for a unity understood as an element that "respects and values the singularities, the peculiarities of peoples and cultures" for Europe.

Giovanni Tridente-March 23, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
Comece europa

Pope Francis greets Bishop Mariano Crociata, newly elected president of COMECE ©CNS photo/Vatican Media

Two great dreams, that of unity and that of peace for Europe. This is what Pope Francis confided in his audience with the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union (COMECE)which has recently renewed its organs.

Dreams that already belonged to the "Dreams that already belonged to the "founding fathers"These are the inspiring values of the "Europe-project", which will once again be the horizon and point of reference for the coming years.

In particular - the Pontiff was implacable - "unity" is decisive, not understood as uniformity or homologation, but as an element that "respects and values the singularities, the peculiarities of peoples and cultures".

The richness of EuropaIn fact, "lies in the convergence of different sources of thought and historical experiences" and the continent will have a future if it is capable of being "truly a union and not a reduction of countries with their respective characteristics". In short, "unity in diversity", as the Holy Father has often repeated, in order to avoid the prevalence of bureaucracy or the technocratic paradigm, elements that do not enthuse people and even less attract the new generations.

Reading the signs of the times

In this challenge, the role of Christian inspiration remains central, and the Church is called to participate in this renaissance by forming people who "reading the signs of the times, know how to interpret the European project in today's history".

It is a time, today, when safeguarding peace remains central. And as the dramatic conflict in Ukraine continues, it is necessary to flank the many expressions of solidarity, exercised for example in welcoming refugees, with a "cohesive commitment to peace," aware that "war can no longer and must no longer be considered a solution to conflicts," as Pope Francis himself wrote in Fratelli tutti. Moreover, "if the countries of today's Europe do not share this ethical-political principle, it means that they have moved away from the original dream."

Values and professional contribution

Moreover, they must be up to the task, despite the fatigue and complexity of the historical situation we are currently experiencing. In this regard, the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the entire European continent must contribute its "professional value and contribution", with prophecy, farsightedness and creativity. A work for peace", the Pope concluded, where "both architects and artisans are needed"; indeed, where a true builder is both.

The COMECE is a body created in 1980, recognized by the Holy See, which brings together the European bishops for the instances concerning the policy and legislation of the European Union, not to be confused with the European Commission of the European Union. CCEEwhich is instead the Council of European Bishops' Conferences.

New chairmanship

The General Assembly held a few days ago to elect the new members of the Standing Committee, elected as President the Italian Bishop Mariano Crociata, until now Secretary of the Italian Bishops' Conference, who replaces Cardinal Jean Claude Hollerich at the end of his five-year term of office, and among other things General Rapporteur of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality.

Rimantas Norvila, bishop of LithuaniaNuno Bras da Silva Martins, bishop of Portugal; and Czeslaw Kozon, delegate of the bishops of the Scandinavian countries.

In his greeting to the Pontiff, the newly elected President reiterated the Commission's commitment to the weakest sectors of society, with special attention to the drama of migration and asylum requests, as well as attention to integral ecology and the issue of religious freedom.

On March 20, Comece had also signed a memorandum of understanding with the Federation of Catholic Family Associations of Europe (Fafce), chaired by Italian lawyer Vincenzo Bassi, to strengthen cooperation in the field of family policies at the European level.

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