The World

A "plus" for Catholic universities

They elaborate a reference framework to promote the Social Responsibility of Universities and to better communicate the added value of Catholic university institutions.

David Fernández Alonso-October 9, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

– Supernatural International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) has elaborated, as a result of three years of collaborative work, the Newman's Framework. In doing so, it echoes the growing number of initiatives around the world to promote University Social Responsibility (USR). "This document is specifically intended to help our members to initiate a process of evaluation of their practices in this field", says François Mabille, secretary general of the IFCU.

In line with Church tradition

The rankings The current rankings, which have emerged in recent years (Shanghai or Times Higher Education), rate universities in an increasingly competitive environment. These rankings are mainly based on limited scientific criteria and overlook values that are essential for today's societies. The Newman Framework is intended to be a reference for promoting USR.. "Based on the dynamics governing higher education today, [this Framework] establishes the need to propose viable alternatives that transmit principles and values that are in line with the humanist and Catholic tradition of the Church."says Montserrat Alom, Director of the International Center for Research and Decision Support (CIRAD-FIUC).

international federation of catholic universities

In this way, Newman's Framework Newman's Framework places the notion of responsibility at the center of university and community life. life of the university and the entire community. This instrument includes a number of 160 indicators and twenty criteria classified in four different areasgovernance, environmental protection efforts, practices environmental protection efforts, practices of how the employer implements the "three missions", and overall "three missions"; and overall consistency with respect to institutional identity.

The first with artificial intelligence

In addition, for the elaboration of the Reference Framework, they have collaborated closely with the ThinkTank Glob'experts-GMAP Center. Thanks to this partnership, the Newman Frame of Reference is the first of its kind to be based on the use of artificial intelligence (IA) to offer a dynamic evaluation system that respects the diversity of contexts in which institutions are located. Access to this tool will enable universities to gain a better understanding of their achievements in the area of USR.The company will have reliable data at its disposal to redefine its institutional development strategies.

The fact of giving visibility and quantifying quantifying its Social Responsibility policies and practices, will enable Catholic universities to more easily promote and communicate their unique added value in the higher education landscape. higher education.

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