The Vatican

"Tutela Minorum" consults on measures for the protection of minors.

The Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors opens a period of public consultation for the updating of the guidelines for the protection of minors and vulnerable persons.

Paloma López Campos-June 23, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
Tutela Minorum Commission

The Pope in an audience with members of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (Photo CNS/Vatican Media).

– Supernatural Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors ("Tutela Minorum") is launching a worldwide public consultation with the aim of updating the guidelines for the prevention of sexual abuse in the Church.

During the morning of June 23, "Tutela Minorum" issued a press release announcing the opening of the online survey, which will close at the end of September 2023. The form is available in four languages and consists of a series of frequently asked questions, as well as the proposed Marco Universale Guidelines.

This framework document is the model produced by the Commission to define the procedures to be followed by churches around the world in the area of prevention. The role of these guidelines is "to promote protection from abuse in the Church in accordance with existing good practice in safeguarding, focusing on assistance to those affected by abuse and the importance of dealing appropriately with cases of abuse."

Result of the consultation

The responses to the survey will be reviewed, collated and incorporated into a final framework document, which will then be evaluated and approved by the Pontifical Commission. By the end of 2023, the final guidelines will be distributed to all the local Churches of the world, who will have to review the measures they have had so far and update them.

One of the modifications that the Commission wants to ask local communities to incorporate is related to the management of accusations. "Tutela Minorum" will ask that systems be established to receive and process complaints, seeking at all times to support those affected, "especially the victims and survivors, in accordance with the requirements of the Motu Proprio of the Holy Father, Vos Estis Lux Mundi". Other essential elements to incorporate are the guarantee of safe environments, risk prevention measures and accountability mechanisms.

On the other hand, in October 2023 the draft Annual Report of the Commission will be presented, but it will be necessary to wait until October 2024 to obtain the complete and definitive Report with data from the entire Church.

Creation of resources

The press release also warns that the Commission will provide assistance to local communities and churches that, due to lack of resources, are unable to implement the guidelines. They have developed "Memorare", "a capacity building program, to ensure that the Safeguarding Guidelines are developed and implemented".

All information can be found on the "Tutela Minorum" website, where you can also access the Commission's documents and the consultation survey.

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