
Torreciudad contributes 97 million euros per year to Huesca and Aragon

According to a report by the Chamber of Huesca, Torreciudad contributes more than 97 million euros annually to the province of Huesca and Aragon. Although the sanctuary itself is loss-making, it is a key economic engine in the region.

Editorial Staff Omnes-November 13, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

The Marian sanctuary of Torreciudad

According to a report of the Huesca Chamber of CommerceThe Marian sanctuary of Torreciudad brings more than 97 million euros annually to the province of Huesca and Aragon. The hundreds of thousands of visitors that this place receives make Torreciudad has a direct economic impact of 58.2 million, which is multiplied throughout the province when you take into account the boost received by other tourist or cultural activities carried out by visitors.

Although the church and its surroundings are in deficit, as highlighted in its annual report and corroborate the foundations that help to maintain Torreciudad, the sanctuary's activity drives a key economic movement for this area of Aragon.

According to the data provided by the Chamber of Commerce of Huesca, Torreciudad has an indirect impact of 28.8 million euros on the production of the Aragonese companies that supply the companies that receive the direct impact. On the other hand, the induced impact is 10.3 million euros, due to the increase in wage income from consumption and production.

In fact, if Torreciudad ceased to exist, the money generated would drop to 17.2 million euros, as some 150,000 visitors would be lost, generating around 80 million euros. This is because the central reason why visitors go to this sanctuary is precisely because it is Torreciudad.

The positive impact of Torreciudad

The Huesca Chamber of Commerce report also points out 14 positive impacts, beyond money, that are produced thanks to Torreciudad:

-Territorial and tourist positioning in the field of religious tourism.

-Capacity for deseasonalization

-Location and internal knowledge

-Complementarity with the tourist resources of the territory.

-Collaborative, socially responsible actions and heritage preservation

-Development of new tourism experiences

-Architectural, cultural and patrimonial value

-Projection of the provincial values of nature

-Belonging to the Marian Route. Local routes and transboundary routes / Camino de Santiago ribagorzano

-Organizational capacity and event development

-Spiritual and personal experience

-Employment generation and contribution to economic activities in tourism and services.

-Population settlement and development of neighboring populations

-Tourism office as a territorial promoter

The context of the report

The report on Torreciudad also shows very relevant data that help to understand the impact of the sanctuary in the province. It highlights, for example, the number of annual visits, which reaches 200,000.

The origin of the study, according to the Huesca Chamber of Commerce, is based on three reasons:

-Interest in learning about the impact of one of the most visited sites in Aragon.

-The 50th anniversary of the construction of the sanctuary, to be celebrated in 2025.

-Tourist and territorial linkage of Torreciudad with its surroundings.

Development potential thanks to Torreciudad

Finally, the Chamber of Huesca offers in its conclusions the potential development of Torreciudad:

-Collaboration with travel agencies interested in family and religious tourism.

-Collaboration with foreign visitors' countries of origin 

-Development of other tourism possibilities

-Revaluation of local heritage and other pilgrimage routes

-Development of sustainability plans that positively impact areas near Torreciudad.

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