
The reform of the Vatican penal system, theme of the Omnes Forum

The Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, is the speaker at the Omnes Forum to be held on June 10 at 7:30 p.m. (UTC+2) live on the Omnes Youtube channel.

Maria José Atienza-June 9, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
canon law code

Bishop Juan Ignacio ArrietaSecretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, is the speaker at the Forum Omnes, which will be held at the end of October. June 10 at 19:30h. (Spanish time) and will be broadcast live on Omnes' Youtube channel.

The forum, which will be conducted by the priest and doctor in Canon Law, Ricardo Bazanprofessor at the University of Piura, will address the main points of reform that have been submitted to the Book VI of the Code of Canon Law through the Apostolic Constitution Pascite Gregem Deiwhich is dated May 23, 2021, but was announced on June 1.

Bishop Arrieta was in charge of presenting this renewal of the Code of Canon Law. A work that has meant "a collegial work, which has involved many people around the world. And it has also been a somewhat complex work, because being a universal law, it had to be adapted to the demands of very diverse cultures and concrete situations" as he acknowledged in the interview that the Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts granted to Omnes on this occasion.

This forum counts with the collaboration in the production of Rome Reports and the sponsorship of Banco Sabadell, Centro Académico Romano Foundation and UMAS Insurance.

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