The Vatican

May the thought of St. Thomas reach everyone

A series of jubilee events will celebrate the human, priestly and intellectual legacy of St. Thomas Aquinas, the 700th anniversary of his canonization.

Giovanni Tridente-July 4, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

"To the diocese of 'Aquino', guarding its living memory in this blessed strip of land characterized by a unique historical, ecclesial and civil heritage, I entrust two main tasks: the patient and synodal building of the community, and openness to 'the whole truth'". These are the words of Pope Francis in a letter sent to the bishops of Latina (Mariano Crociata), Sora (Gerardo Antonazzo) and Frosinone (Ambrogio Spreafico) on the occasion of the VII Centenary of the canonization of St. Thomas Aquinas, a date that will be solemnly celebrated on July 18 at the Abbey of Fossanova, where the saint died, by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints and special envoy of the Pope for the anniversary.

The centenary of the canonization of the "angelic doctor" opens the way to two other important dates in the coming years: the 750th anniversary of his death, in 2024, and the 800th anniversary of his birth, in 2025. A series of jubilee events that will celebrate the human, priestly and intellectual legacy of St. Thomas.

Generous dedication to evangelization

"Commemorating these anniversaries - Pope Francis explains in his letter addressed to the bishops of the Saint's places of origin - means, on the one hand, recognizing the efficacious action of the Spirit, who guides the Church in History, and, on the other, the generous response of man, who experiences how the natural talents with which he is endowed and which he cultivates are not only not mortified by grace, but rather vitalized and perfected.

It is not by chance that, as a good Dominican, St. Thomas "dedicated himself generously to evangelization, spending himself unreservedly in prayer, in serious and passionate study, in an impressive theological and cultural production, and in preaching," Pope Francis further emphasizes in the missive.

Responding to today's cultural challenges

The Pope's invitation is to rediscover through the work of St. Thomas, read and studied in its specific historical and cultural context, the treasure that can be drawn from it "to respond to the cultural challenges of today". Among them, the synodal openness of the ecclesial community and unconditional love for the truth, as St. John Paul II had already exhorted in his Fides et ratio.

Among his "formidable heritage" is undoubtedly holiness, which has not "renounced the challenge of allowing itself to be provoked and measured by experience", always seeking to discern in all the problems of the times "the traces and the direction towards the Kingdom to come". 

Finally, Pope Francis exhorts us to put ourselves "in his school!", urging the local communities of the places linked to the Saint to "find the right languages and instruments" so that his thought can truly "reach everyone".

Reflection and prayer

Among the initiatives planned, in addition to the Eucharistic Celebration on July 18, there will be a meeting for reflection with several voices at the diocesan headquarters in Latina on Tuesday afternoon, July 11, and a prayer meeting on July 14 in the afternoon at the Abbey of Fossanova.

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