
Giving your life for others. Skate Hero musical returns

Next March 11 will take place in the Nueva Cubierta of Leganés the performance of the musical Skate Heroinspired by the life and last hours of the young Spaniard Ignacio Echevarría, who died five years ago in a jihadist attack in London while defending an unknown young woman with his skateboard.

Maria José Atienza-March 4, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
skate hero

On Friday, March 11, the Nueva Cubierta of Leganés will host two sessions of Skate HeroThe first one at 11:00 a.m., especially aimed at school groups, and the second one, general, at 8:00 p.m.

On this day when Spain remembers the victims of terrorism, Ignacio Echevarria, who gave his life to save a completely unknown person, will be remembered once again as an example of dedication and courage.

Story of Skate Hero. The Musical

The Musical was born in a group of young people of the Militia of Santa Maria, integrated in the educational project "Come and see Education" who have taken up his legacy and have staged the last twenty-four hours of Ignatius' life.

Skate Hero has been created based on the book-testimony by Joaquín Echeverría "Así era mi hijo Ignacio: el héroe del monopatín", and has been musically arranged by the pianist and composer Miguel Ángel Gómez González-Vallés, and the scriptwriter and director of the program "La aventura de educar", Javier Segura.

Who was Ignacio Echevarría

Its own Javier Segura, Omnes contributordescribes the event and the figure that gave rise to this musical as follows Skate HeroOn June 3, 2017, the whole of Spain was shaken by the jihadist attack on London Bridge. Among the chaos of news that reached us, we learned that a young Spaniard, Ignacio Echeverría, had lost his life in that terrorist act.

The anguish that the Spanish society shared with his family soon turned into deep admiration as the details came in. We learned that the young lawyer was returning with his friends from skating and they came across the Dantesque scene. People running away, screams of terror, and in the background a terrorist stabbing a young woman. Ignacio didn't think about it, there was no time for it, and took his skateboard as a weapon and shield to fight against those terrorists. That young woman, Marie Bondeville, saved his life. The three terrorists were shot by the police. Ignacio died from a stab wound in the back.

But his gesture crossed borders and consciences. And he became known as 'the skateboard hero'. And tributes and recognitions followed. Skate parks all over Spain with his name. The highest decorations in Spain and Great Britain. Ignacio represented the best of our land. Courage, generosity, extreme altruism. And the best of Humanity. To be able to give his life for a stranger".

The musical Skate Hero which premiered last June 5, with an excellent reception at the Joaquín Rodrigo auditorium in Las Rozas (Madrid).

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