
Spanish religious men and women to elect their new presidency

– Supernatural Spanish Conference of Religious (CONFER) is holding its XXVII General Assembly next week to elect a new president and vice-president.

Maria José Atienza-October 27, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
confer_assembly generates

SLord, what do you want from us today? With this question as their motto, the superiors of the different religious institutes belonging to CONFER will meet on November 3, 4 and 5 in Madrid for their XXVII General Assembly.

CONFER hopes that this meeting will be an opportunity for reflection and a common search for the mission of religious life today, especially after the hardest moments of the CIVID pandemic that has seriously affected many religious orders, both through the death or illness of their members, as well as in many of their forms of sustenance.

These days will combine lectures, dialogues in the Assembly and in small groups, and spaces for prayer and celebration.

Msgr. Luis Ángel de las Heraspresident of the Episcopal Commission for Consecrated Life will be in charge of opening the conference with a talk entitled "Lord, what do you want from us today? 

José Rodríguez Carballo (Secretary of the CIVCSVA), who will give a talk on synodality, and who will also preside at the closing Eucharist.

One of the important points of this Assembly will be the election of the new Presidency composed of President and Vice-President, as well as the renewal of several elected members of the General Council: 1 female member and 3 male members. In addition, during the Assembly, the Project of Institutional Strengthening of CONFER, a reality that started last year, will be discussed.

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