
Processions return to Andalusia after a year and a half

The bishops of the dioceses belonging to the Ecclesiastical Province of Seville have made public a communiqué in which they give the green light to the return of external worship, especially in reference to the processional outings that were suspended at the beginning of the pandemic.

Maria José Atienza-September 14, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
holy week in seville

Photo: Curro G. Feliú ©Feliú Fotógrafos

In a communiqué published today, the Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Seville (Seville, Asidonia-Jerez, Cadiz and Ceuta, Canary Islands, Cordoba, Huelva and Tenerife) highlight "the favorable course of the health situation derived from the Covid-19 pandemic, with a decrease in contagions and the advance of vaccination as the most outstanding aspects of this positive trend". A situation that, within the prudent actions and always "taking into account the provisions and recommendations emanating from the competent authorities" in health matters, has led the prelates to consider updating the canonical provisions in force in these dioceses regarding the celebration of external worship.

In this sense, the note continues, "the dioceses have considered the convenience of resuming the normality of external worship, as it has begun to do in a timely manner in some places". The diocesan bishops have wanted to recall, however, the need to act with prudence and attend to the relevant health standards that they describe as "fundamental to be able to face the return to normality in worship".

The bishops also wanted to thank "the collaboration of the faithful in these months in which the internal and external worship has been affected in a relevant way".

External worship celebrations were suppressed in March 2019. Especially painful has been the two Weeks of Passion without these manifestations of worship that have been lived since the beginning of the pandemic. A situation that has led the Brotherhoods and Confraternities to a remarkable effort of spiritual care of their brothers as well as a huge social work to care for those most affected by the crisis arising from this pandemic.

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