The Vatican

Pope to be released from hospital on Friday, June 16

The evolution of the pontiff's health continues to be very satisfactory and the medical discharge is scheduled for June 16, as reported by the Holy See.

Maria José Atienza-June 15, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
pope francisco

The Pope leaves Gemelli Hospital on April 1 after being admitted for respiratory problems ©OSV NEWS photo/Remo Casilli, Reuters)

June 16, Friday, is the date agreed upon by the physicians for Pope Francis to be discharged after undergoing surgery for an "incarcerated laparocele", i.e. a type of hernia that forms in a scar and causes, among other things, intestinal obstructions. The operation was performed by laparotomy and plastic surgery.

The Pope leaves the hospital exactly 10 days after his admission. Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press room, has also reported that, as has been usual in recent days, "Pope Francis had a good night's rest (from Wednesday to Thursday). The clinical evolution is regular. The hematochemical tests are within normality".

Last day of admission

On Thursday morning, June 15, the Pope met with the surgical team made up of the medical, nursing, social-health and auxiliary personnel who participated in his surgery. operationon Wednesday, June 7.

He also met with the spiritual assistants of the hospital complex: Monsignor Claudio Giuliodori, General Ecclesiastical Assistant of the Catholic University, and Nunzio Currao, Spiritual Assistant to the Policlinico staff. He also spent some time with representatives of the Board of Directors of the Policlinico Gemelli Foundation, with the President, Mr. Carlo Fratta Pasini, and with the Rector of the Catholic University, Prof. Franco Anelli, as well as with the management bodies of the Policlinico, with the General Director, Prof. Marco Elefanti.

After this, the Pope visited the Pediatric Oncology and Child Neurosurgery ward. There, many of the children who, during these days, have sent drawings and messages to the Pope were able to greet him. The note from the Holy See notes that "Pope Francis touched the pain of these children who every day carry on their shoulders the suffering of the Cross, together with their mothers and fathers. He gave each one of them a rosary and a book. He also thanked all the medical personnel for "their professionalism and their effort to alleviate the suffering of others, not only with medicines, but also with tenderness and humanity".

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