
Pope invites families to pray the Rosary at home

Rediscover the beauty of praying the Rosary to Mary, our Mother, at home. This is the Pope's invitation to the faithful, in a Letter in which he asks Mary: "grant that God may deliver us with his mighty hand from this terrible epidemic and that life may resume its normal course with serenity."

Francisco Otamendi-May 4, 2020-Reading time: 4 minutes

In May "It is a tradition to pray the Rosary at home, with the family. the family", writes the Holy Father. The constraints of the pandemic to value this domestic dimension also from a spiritual point of view, says the Pope. spiritual point of view, says the Pope. Hence the proposal to rediscover "the beauty" to pray the Rosary at home.

"You can choose, according to the situation, to pray it together or personally, appreciating the good of both possibilities. But, in any case, there is a secret to do it: simplicity; and it is easy to find, even on the internet, good prayer outlines to follow."

   In the brief Letter, the Pope also encloses two texts of prayers two texts of prayers, which he invites us to recite at the end of the Rosary, and assures us that he will recite them that he himself will recite them during the month of May, "spiritually united" to the faithful.  

   The first prayer is the one he addressed to Our Lady of Divine Love at the beginning of the crisis, last March 11, in a video message that preceded the celebration of the Mass. The second prayer is an invocation that evokes the Salve Regina, in particular in the phrase "turn your merciful eyes upon us in this coronavirus this coronavirus pandemic".and then stop at groups of people who have been suffering and struggling in various ways against Covid-19. who have been suffering and struggling in various ways against Covid-19.

   The Holy Father assures that "contemplating together the face of Christ with the heart of the heart of Mary, our Mother, will unite us even more as a spiritual family and help us to overcome this and will help us to overcome this trial".. He concludes: "I will pray for especially for those who suffer the most, and you, please pray for me. me. I thank you and bless you from my heart".

Sentence texts

Prayer to Mary (1) :

Oh Mary, you are always shining on our path
as a sign of salvation and hope.
   To you, Health of the sick, we commend ourselves the sick,
that at the foot of the cross you were associated with the pain of Jesus,
keeping your faith firm.

   You, Salvation of the Roman people,
you know what we need
and we are sure you will grant it
so that, as in Cana of Galilee,
let joy and festivity return
after this test.

   Help us, Mother of Divine Love,
to conform to the will of the Father
and do what Jesus will tell us,
   He who took our suffering upon himself
and took on our pains
to guide us through the cross,
to the joy of the resurrection. Amen.

  Under your protection we take refuge, Holy Mother of God. God,
do not despise our supplications in time of need,
but deliver us from all danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

Prayer to Mary (2) :

Under we take refuge under your protection, Holy Mother of God. In the present dramatic situation, full of suffering and anguish suffering and anguish that oppress the whole world, we turn to you, Mother of God and our Mother Mother of God and our Mother, and seek refuge under your protection.

   O Virgin Mary, turn your merciful eyes merciful eyes in this coronavirus pandemic, and console those who are confused and weeping and mourn for the loss of loved ones, sometimes buried in a way that wounds the soul. buried in a way that wounds the soul. It sustains those who are anxious because, to avoid contagion, they cannot be near sick people. sick people. It instills confidence in those who live in fear of an uncertain future and of the consequences for their lives. uncertain future and of the consequences in the economy and at work.

   Mother of God and our Mother, implore the Father of mercy Father of mercy that this ordeal may end and that we may once again find a horizon of hope and peace. a horizon of hope and peace. As at Cana, intercede before your Divine Son, asking him to console the families of the sick and the victims, and to open their hearts to hope.

   It protects doctors, nurses, medical personnel, volunteers the volunteers who in this time of emergency are fighting on the front line and risking their lives to save others. fight in the front line and risk their lives to save other lives. Accompany their heroic effort and grant them strength, goodness and health.

   He remains close to those who assist, night and day, the sick, and to the priests who, with pastoral and the sick, and to the priests who, with pastoral care and evangelical commitment, try to help and support evangelical commitment, try to help and support everyone.

   Holy Virgin, enlighten the minds of men and women of science men and women of science, so that they may find the right solutions and defeat this virus. and defeat this virus.

   Assist the leaders of the nations to act wisely, diligently and generously in act wisely, diligently and generously, assisting those who lack the necessities of life, planning those who lack the necessities of life, planning far-reaching social and economic solutions in a spirit of solidarity. economic solutions in a spirit of solidarity.

Holy Mary, touches the consciences so that the large sums of money used in the increase and improvement of armaments be destined to the increase and improvement of armaments should be destined to promote adequate to promote adequate studies for the prevention of future similar catastrophes. similar catastrophes.

   Mother Most Loving Mother, increase in the world the sense of belonging to a single great family, becoming aware of the bond that unites us all, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we may of the bond that unites us all, so that, in a spirit of fraternity and solidarity, we may go out to help the many forms of poverty and misery, to come to the aid of the many forms of poverty and situations of misery. It encourages firmness in faith, perseverance in service and constancy in prayer. prayer.

   O Mary, consolation of the afflicted, embrace all your troubled children. all your troubled children, grant that God may deliver us with his mighty hand from this terrible epidemic from this terrible epidemic and that life may resume its normal course with serenity. serenity.   We We entrust ourselves to You, who shine on our path as a sign of salvation and hope. O most merciful, O most gracious, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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