
Pope encourages Spanish consecrated men and women to "keep alive the foundational charism".

More than 2,000 members of consecrated life in Spain are participating in the 50th National Week for Institutes of Consecrated Life organized by the Theological Institute of Religious Life.

Maria José Atienza-May 18, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
consecrated life week

A conference that seeks to delve into the role of consecrated life in today's society and that unites the 49th edition (postponed by Covid19) and 50th.

The conference, which will feature a wide range of speakers from different families of consecrated life, will address the presence of consecrated life in different spheres of the social panorama: from its way of being and acting within the Church as well as in areas such as health, education, social care or the world of digital communication.

A variety that, as Antonio Bellella, director of the ITVR, emphasized at the opening of the Week, "is part of this relational dynamic, because these days were conceived as a space for religious to relate to each other, to the Church and to society.

Particularly revealing on the first day of presentations was the message Pope Francis addressed to the participants of this week, which is being held virtually, in which he encouraged consecrated persons not to lose touch with reality and not to lose sight of the foundational charism, stressing that the reform of the institutions of consecrated life is "a journey in contact with reality and a horizon under the light of a foundational charism. To keep alive the foundational charism is to keep it on the way and in growth, in dialogue with what the Spirit is telling us in the history of the times, in the places, in different times, in different situations".

The National Week for Institutes of Consecrated Life will take place until May 22, the day on which, framed in the solemnity of Pentecost, the reading of the manifesto in favor of a prophetic consecrated life and the conclusions and final message of this Week will take place.

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