The World

Cardinal Zuppi concluded his visit to Moscow

Cardinal Matteo Zuppi has completed his first visit to Moscow as Pope Francis' envoy with the aim of accelerating a peace agreement between Ukraine and Russia. It is the next step after a similar trip to Ukraine in recent weeks.

Antonino Piccione-June 30, 2023-Reading time: 4 minutes

Kirill of Moscow with Cardinal Matteo Zuppi at the meeting held on June 29, 2023. ©CNS photo/Courtesy of the Department for External Church Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church

"This war, along with all other conflicts in the world, represents a defeat for all of humanity and not only for the parties directly involved. While a vaccine for Covid-19 has been found, adequate solutions for war have not yet been found. Certainly, the virus of war is more difficult to overcome than those that affect the human organism, because it does not come from outside, but from within the human heart, corrupted by sin (cf. Gospel of Mark 7:17-23)". This is how His Holiness Francis expressed himself in his Message at the beginning of the year for the VI World Day for PeaceHe concluded with the hope that we can "walk together, treasuring what history can teach us. To the Heads of State and Government, to the Heads of International Organizations, to the Leaders of the various religions: to all men and women of good will, I wish you a good year!"

Among the artisans of peace, the Holy Father has chosen Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, from June 28th to 30th, in a visit to Moscow aimed at identifying humanitarian initiatives, precisely in order to open paths to peace. During the three days, Zuppi met with H.E. Yuri Ushakov, Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation for Foreign Policy Affairs, and Ms. Maria Lvova-Belova, Commissioner of the President of the Russian Federation for Children's Rights.

During a brief visit to the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, in the Tretyakov Gallery, the Cardinal paused in prayer before the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, to whom he entrusted his mission. He also had a fruitful meeting - as defined by the Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office - with His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, to whom he conveyed the greetings of the Holy Father and with whom he discussed humanitarian initiatives that could facilitate a peaceful solution.

Zuppi also met with the Bishops of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Russia, with whom, together with a large group of priests and in the presence of Ambassadors and representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he presided over a solemn concelebration in the Cathedral of the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow.

It was an opportunity to convey to the Catholic community the closeness, remembrance and prayers of the Holy Father. The results of the visit will be brought to the attention of Francis, with a view to further steps.

At the center, in particular, of the conversation between Kirill and Zuppi was the common work of the Churches "to serve the cause of peace and justice," to "ease the tensions" of the conflict in Ukraine and "prevent further armed conflict." Words that echo those of the video call between Kirill and Francis on March 16, 2022, during which the Pope reiterated the importance of "uniting" as pastors "in the effort to help peace" and also that the Church should not use "the language of politics, but the language of Jesus." Kirill, according to Russian state agencies, greeted the Cardinal Archbishop of Bologna, declaring himself "happy" for his arrival in Moscow "accompanied by brothers whom I know well".

"We appreciate that His Holiness has sent you to Moscow. You are the head of one of the largest metropolis, dioceses of Italy and you are a famous archbishop who is carrying out an important service for your people," the Patriarch said. Zuppi, for his part, would have invited him to visit Bologna.

In his homily of June 29, dedicated to the figure of Saints Peter and Paul, Zuppi, highlighting the different characteristics of the two apostles, spoke of "the unity that is not given by power, but by mutual service; not by the bond of blood, but by that generated by God, who makes us his own, his children, part of his family". And he warned: "Division grows in indifference" and "division is always a scandal for Jesus, who prays that his own may be one (...) Like a mother, the Church unceasingly invokes the gift of peace, tirelessly seeking it because the pain of each person is her pain". The Church "is always mother", he exclaimed: this is "the only reason for the mission that we live in these days, desired by the Successor of Peter who does not resign himself and tries to do everything so that the expectation of peace that arises from the earth may soon find fulfillment".

Beyond the reconstruction of the events that marked the three days of the Archbishop of Bologna in Moscow and the understandably cautious tones of the official communiqués, we can say that the mission of Pope Francis' envoy went well. "Without triumphalism but positive. The important steps have been, first of all, the openness shown both at the political and religious level and the willingness to continue on a path. I would say that this is the most positive concrete fruit".

With these words, reported by the Sir agency, Monsignor Paolo PezziThe Archbishop of Moscow and President of the Catholic Bishops of the Russian Federation. "In the meeting with civil and also religious authorities," he says, "the humanitarian emergency of refugees, displaced persons and prisoners was the main topic," and at the end of this second stage of the peace mission, "Card. Zuppi will take home, firstly, an excellent welcome and, secondly, the will to continue, which was not to be taken for granted." "My final considerations are that it is worthwhile, it is always worthwhile to build bridges because from this one always wins while from walls one always loses."

The authorAntonino Piccione

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