
Plenary topics: living will, education and appointments

This Plenary Assembly, the 117th, will study the lines of pastoral action of the Bishops' Conference for the five-year period 2021-2025 and will address topics such as the euthanasia and the proposal of a new draft of the living will, as well as the work carried out in different areas in relation to the new education law.

Maria José Atienza-April 16, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
Plenary November 2020

The Spanish Episcopal Conference has announced the topics that will focus the work of the Bishops during the Plenary Assembly to be held from April 19 to 23, 2021. 

Topics of study and information from the commissions

This Plenary Assembly, the 117th, will study the lines of pastoral action of the Episcopal Conference for the five-year period 2021-2025. One of the key topics to be studied during these days will revolve around the report on the euthanasia and the living will and the proposal of a new wording of the living will presented by the Episcopal Commission for the Laity, the Family and Life. In addition, this same Commission will be in charge of reporting on aspects related to the "Amoris Laetitia" Year of the Family and on the consultation on the "Pastoral Care of the Elderly", at the request of Rome.

The Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture will report on the work done in various areas in relation to the new education law. It should not be forgotten that a little more than a month ago, the EEC developed an online conference with Religion teachers from all over the country for the elaboration of the Religion curriculum within the framework of the LOMLOE.

For its part, the Episcopal Commission for the Liturgy will present for possible approval the funeral ritual; the Missal and Lectionary for the Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and the translation of the Liturgical texts of the Free Memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary Loreto.

As usual in the first Plenary of the year, the intentions of the Spanish Episcopal Conference for the year 2022 for which the Pope's Apostleship of Prayer-World Prayer Network prays will be approved.

Other matters

The following topics will also be discussed during this plenary session:

  • Implementation of the letter of Pope Francis for the institution of lay men and women as readers and acolytes.
  • Implications for the Church in Spain of the obligation of regulatory compliance.
  • Information on the current status of Ábside (13 TV and COPE).

In addition, the bishops who are members of the Plenary Assembly are expected to elect the new president of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications. The election of the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University of Salamanca is also scheduled. As usual, the approval of the various National Associations will take place.

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