
HOAC inaugurates new stage, presidency and priorities for the future

María Dolores Megina Navarro, from Jaén, has been elected new president of HOAC, succeeding Gonzalo Ruiz. She will be accompanied by Germán Gavín, in the area of Formation; and Pili Gallego, in the work of Dissemination.

Maria José Atienza-July 5, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
hoac july 2021

©HOAC. Family photo

HOAC has celebrated this weekend its General Plenary of Representatives (PGR), the highest decision-making body between general assemblies. A call that has been developed in a semipresential way, in Avila and through the web, and in which have been assessed the lines of action for the six-year termwhere the pulse of HOAC's life and action was taken; and in which the following was approved the work plan for the biennium, which defines the priorities for the next two years, which will then be adapted to the different dioceses.

This work plan is divided into 6 points:

  1. To continue promoting the campaign "Decent Work for a Decent Society", the promotion of the initiative "Church for Decent Work" and the strengthening of the Pastoral Care of Workers throughout the Church. In this way, to continue accompanying situations of precariousness, to collaborate in the change of mentality and the improvement of institutions; and to help build other ways of being and working, proposing practices of communion of life, goods and action with the impoverished working world.
  2. To take care of community life, especially the teams and among the militant teams.
  3. To take care of the development of the experience of formation that is experienced in the lives of each militant in their day-to-day life in the world of labor and work.
  4. To promote the extension of HOAC and the initiation of new militants, since for the mission it is essential to have people who want to dedicate their lives to the apostolate in the world of workers and labor.
  5. Culminate the celebration of the 75th Anniversary of HOAC, from the perspective of grateful memory and thanksgiving for the future.
  6. To prepare the General Assembly of HOAC. With the definition of a work calendar to culminate on August 12 to 15, 2023 with the celebration of the XIV General Assembly.

In addition, the plenary approved the budget 553,508.87 euros for the year 2022 and 562,538.72 euros for 2023. The HOAC budget is the fruit of the communion of goods for the mission, as an ecclesial community sent to evangelize the working world, and which is made concrete by all the members, through their contributions, freely decided on the basis of their personal situation and community needs, within the scope of the team.

HOAC members also wanted to thank Gonzalo Ruiz, Teresa García and Berchmans Garrido for their dedication to the Church and the working world.

If you are a subscriber to Omnes, you can learn more about the work of HOAC in the report contained in the January 2021 print magazine.
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