
The great book of Creation

David Fernández recommends reading The great book of Creationby Gianfranco Ravasi.

David Fernández Alonso-June 10, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
The great book of Creation


TitleThe great book of creation
Author: Gianfranco Ravasi
Pages: 250
EditorialSt. Paul's
City: Madrid
Year: 2022

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi is one of the most prominent international exegetes. Since 2007 he has been president of the Pontifical Council for Culture and of the Pontifical Commissions for the Cultural Heritage of the Church and Sacred Archaeology. 

This new book is about caring for our common home in the light of the Bible. The author's starting point can be summed up in the quote from Pope Francis in the encyclical Laudato si': "God has written a precious book, 'the letters of which are the multitude of creatures present in the universe'.".

For those interested in Christian ecology, these pages are intended for believers, but also for non-believers, with Creation as a common interlocutor. 

The book is divided into eight chapters that go from the moment of creation, to a chapter where the praise to the Creator is commented, passing through chapters on light, water, etc. 

For believers, it can serve as a kind of guide for personal life. For non-believers, as a code for interpreting cultural life and embracing the common home, the earth.  

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