The Vatican

The 'Fratelli Tutti' Foundation celebrates its first anniversary

On December 8, 2021, Pope Francis instituted the Foundation Fratelli Tuttifrom which the spirit of fraternity advocated in the encyclical of the same name is intended to radiate to the world.

Giovanni Tridente-November 14, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
Mauro Gambetti

The Foundation Fratelli Tuttiis about to celebrate its first year of life within the Holy See (and more specifically in the Fabbrica di San Pietro(the organization in charge of the construction and artistic care of the basilica). An organism of religion and worship that is inspired by the contents of the last encyclical of the Holy Father dedicated to fraternity and social friendship, and that wants to promote initiatives of dialogue with the world around St. Peter's Basilica.

Dialogue, meeting and exchange

It is no coincidence that the Foundation's motto is precisely Recognizing each other as brothers and sisters and evangelizing cultures in order to walk together. All of this is based on three key principles, which are also included in the encyclical: dialogue, encounter and sharing.

Through this Foundation, St. Peter's Basilica is being given centrality and prominence with initiatives related to spirituality, art, education and dialogue with society, as desired by the Pope himself in the foundation's chirograph.

In addition to the president GambettiThe foundation's board of directors includes managers, economists, communicators and theologians, all of whom are Italian.

"Realizing the new humanism requires the generous and willing commitment of everyone, and the foundation is a means to rewrite together a 'grammar of the human' that makes us re-know each other even if we do not know each other personally."explain the promoters.

The life of the first bishop of Rome

One of the latest initiatives was dedicated to the life of the first bishop of Rome, the apostle Peter, through a video mapping projected for two consecutive weeks on the same façade of the Vatican Basilica, every evening from 9 to 11 p.m., with the title of Follow me at.

The project aimed to get to the heart of the figure and personality of Simon, who later became Peter, from the call to the following, from the mission to the martyrdom. And it made use of important iconographic repertoires made available both by the basilica and the Vatican Museums (referring to artists such as Raphael, Perugino, Reni and Cavallucci), harmonized and enhanced also through sounds and words. 

It was a way for thousands of believers to get closer to the humanity of the fisherman from Galilee and his spirituality, including the jumps, the falls, the tenacity, the doubt and even the gift of life for Christ and his Church.

In addition to art and faith courses, the foundation's mission areas also include cultural and spiritual education and dialogue with other Christian denominations and other religions on the themes of the Pope's latest encyclicals.

School of Arts and Crafts

Precisely in the area of training, the deadlines for registration for the School of Arts and CraftsThe courses will begin in January 2023 and will last six months with compulsory attendance. The recipients will be stonemasons, masons, plasterers and decorators, carpenters, for a maximum number of 20 students.

The lecturers will come from various Italian universities, but there will also be staff from the technical office of the Fabbrica di San Pietro and experienced craftsmen. Guided tours and study visits are obviously planned, and the workshop hours will take place in the workshops of the organization that manages all the work necessary for the construction and artistic realization of St. Peter's Basilica.

Jubilee Strolls 

Obviously, the foundation is also looking ahead to the next Jubilee of 2025, when the Basilica will become the point of concentration and radiation of the massive experience of faith that will involve the faithful from all over the world. Along these lines are the meetings called Jubilee Synodal PathwaysThe series of meetings will always focus on the themes of the encyclical, such as proximity, the purification of social memory and political love. In many of these initiatives, St. Peter's Square will always be the backdrop, precisely to represent that embrace that extends from Bernini's columns to the whole world.

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