
"The Chosen," the fourth season of a hit series.

The fourth season of "The Chosen" is coming. Throughout the month of February, the new episodes of this series that shows the life of Jesus and his first disciples will be released.

Paloma López Campos-February 14, 2024-Reading time: 2 minutes

Still from an episode of the fourth season of "The Chosen."

The fourth season of "The Chosen" arrives in February 2024. It does so in a special way, as the cinema is the first place where viewers can watch the new episodes.

After the success on the platforms and in the application of the "Angel Studios"The Chosen" director Dallas Jenkins has decided to offer fans of the series a different experience with a theatrical viewing of the new season. However, after the premiere weeks, those who have not been able to sit down in front of the big screen will be able to watch the content on the usual platforms.

From February 1, those living in the United States and Canada can go to the movies to see the first episodes. In the case of Spain, the premiere will be on February 16. On the other hand, almost all Latin American countries will have to wait until February 22, while Argentina and Paraguay will be able to start enjoying the new season on February 29.

Fourth season of "The Chosen".

The fourth season opens with a shocking episode. As Jesus begins to prepare for the Passion, he encounters extreme situations that take their toll on his disciples. It is the moment to make a lesson clear: the importance of forgiveness.

As the trailer shows, Romans and Jews unite in their persecution of Jesus. The doubts of some disciples in the face of the Master's decisions and the faith of others move the viewer. Jesus himself breaks down in tears on more than one occasion, thus showing the most human face of God.

A common project

Little more can be said about the plot, for risk of revealing details. What can be said is the increase in the quality of the series. With an increasing investment, the producers of "The Chosen" have managed to create a high quality product that involves the viewer, a feeling that increases when you have the opportunity to see the episodes in the cinema.


First episode: : December 24, 2017 (United States)
Based on: Life of Jesus
Directed by:Dallas Jenkins
Duration: : 20-71 minutes approx.
Original language: : English
Seasons:: 4
Episodes: 32

The series is the most crowdfunded audiovisual project in history, since the fans themselves can collaborate in the production through donations. On the "Angel Studios" platform, the producers encourage support for the creation of "The Chosen". The large amount of financial contributions has allowed all the seasons so far to be completely free of charge.

Bringing the face of Christ closer

Since the beginning of the series, "The Chosen" has brought the public life of Christ (and some details of his childhood) to everyone in a whole new way. Based on the Gospels, but also using quite a bit of imagination, Dallas Jenkins weaves the story of Jesus before the world with a different tone than usual. Without losing sight of the importance of the narrative, nothing less than the life of the Son of God, "The Chosen" shows the face of Jesus the friend.

With the balance of "perfectus Deus, perfectus homo", the series provides the opportunity to imagine Christ as a real person, with his tiredness, his laughter and his look. An objective that the actor more than achieves Jonathan Roumiewho is in charge of playing Jesus.

Jonathan Roumie playing Jesus in the series.
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