
The Catholic table. Reading for "tasting".

The Catholic table addresses, in a simple but astonishingly profound way, essential questions for the Catholic. Considering that God becomes food is not a trivial matter; it assumes that we need God to live.

Maria José Atienza-June 23, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute
catholic table

The Catholic table

TitleThe Catholic Table. The joy and dignity of food from the faith.
Author: Emily Stimpson Chapman
Pages: 210
Editorial: CEU Ediciones
City: Madrid
Year: 2021

Emily Stimpson Chapman has, for years, been writing with simplicity and astonishing depth about the relationship between food and her Catholic faith. Her blog "The Catholic table". has been the alma mater of this highly recommended book on the same subject. 

The author enters into essential questions for the man and woman of today, and especially the Catholic. Considering that God becomes food is not a trivial matter. It assumes that, beyond a simple question of physical survival, we need God to live and it is not the same thing, for example, to eat or not to eat as a family.

Stimpson walks through, without giving in to extremes, what she calls the "spiritual damage that occurs when we don't see food correctly and live according to what we see," a problem that includes all the extreme food-related disorders ranging from guilt, wastefulness or self-obsession that eliminates even God....

Also with all that a God made food implies: the sense of fasting, the hunger for God, solidarity with others....

And he does it with a hopeful and balanced vision of things that makes this book (which he "dresses" with great recipes), a more than successful reading choice.

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