The World

Maja Ledwoń-Śleziak: "I'm going to WYD Lisbon to 'recharge' my faith".

This 15-year-old Polish girl is attending a World Youth Day for the first time with the conviction that the Church asks young people to "listen and give silent witness by living the Word of God well every day".

Maria José Atienza-July 25, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

I am 15 years old and live in Krakow. I am going to World Youth Day for the first time because in 2016, when it was held in my city, I was too small to attend, yet somehow I was captivated by the sight of all those beautiful young people from all over the world wanting to unite in prayer.

But that's not the only reason I decided to go on this journey. I am still trying to find myself in such a complicated, noisy and difficult world. Maybe this is what I need to look inside myself and get to know God better. Also, I think it is an opportunity to "recharge" my faith, as several crises may come.

I have not made any particular spiritual preparations, other than praying daily, reading the Scriptures and attending retreats. On the material side, I still have some shopping to do with a friend!

I am going with a group of high school students and girls from Krakow organized by Joanna Łękawska. We have been preparing together through joint integration trips.

What do I think the Church and the Pope expect from young people? When I look at my parish and my community, I come to the conclusion that, in reality, it is simply that young people be present in the Church, listen and give silent witness by living the Word of God well every day. This is so easy and yet so difficult.

I have often heard older people say that they are looking for young people in the Church, hoping to get some tangible proof that God is at work and is still being sought. And that what they have believed all their lives is bearing fruit and making sense. They want to know that the Church will never die and that now a new, younger generation will be able to shout to the world that God is and continues to work. But first we young people must learn to listen.

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