
Synod: an invitation to walk together

The work of the XV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, dedicated to the theme of young people, faith and vocational discernment, concluded a few days ago, and it is to this event that we have reserved the opening Dossier of this issue.

Giovanni Tridente-November 19, 2018-Reading time: 2 minutes

An intense month in which more than 300 synod fathers and auditors discussed the possibility of renewing the face of the Church based on the needs, concerns and dreams of the new generations, in order to accompany them on the path of life and receive from them an evangelizing impulse.

Here are three important contributions from people who have closely followed the work of the Assembly on the three cardinal aspects of its work: youth dynamism, the importance of vocational discernment and the renewal of pastoral ministry. The authors are Chiara Giaccardi, who worked on the drafting of the final document; Gonzalo Meza, a priest and journalist, who closely followed the communication of the work; and Giuseppe De Virgilio, also a collaborator with the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. Another article highlights the most salient aspects of the final document, which appeared when the magazine was already at the printing stage, and some of the complementary events that characterized the journey of the assembly, including the canonizations of October 14, among them those of Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Oscar Romero.


TEXT - Chiara Giaccardi. Professor of Sociology at the Catholic University of Sacro Cuore in Milan; collaborator of the Special Secretary of the Synod of Bishops.

A new style for a generative Church, which places young people at the center, assumes their attention and lets them go with responsibility to bring their contribution to the new evangelization. This is one of the aspects that, according to sociologist Chiara Giaccardi, emerged in the course of the Synodal Assembly, which also saw young people become its protagonists.

The Church in these days walks with young people, and entrusts them with the task of helping her rebirth: young people as "mayeutas" of a new Church, of a pastoral conversion more necessary than ever, after so many sexual and financial scandals, but more simply after so much tiredness or intellectualism that...

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