The Vatican

Pope asks Catholics to pray for Synod

Pope Francis asks all Catholics around the world to pray especially for the Synod of Synodality during this month of October.

Paloma López Campos-October 1, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute

Pope Francis' Synod Prayer Intention Poster

– Supernatural intention Pope Francis' October letter focuses on the Synod on Synodality. The Holy Father asks that this month Catholics pray "for the Church, that she may adopt listening and dialogue as a way of life at all levels, allowing herself to be guided by the Holy Spirit to the peripheries of the world."

This intention is framed in the celebration of the General Assembly of the Bishops and on World Mission Sunday. Throughout this "ecclesial journey", so present during this October, the Pope points out that the Church is in mission. The center of which, Francis points out, "is to reach out to everyone, to seek everyone, to welcome everyone, to involve everyone, excluding no one".

This message is reminiscent of the famous phrase of the Pope during the last WYD in Lisbon: "In the Church there is room for everyone". With this in mind, it will be possible to materialize "the response to Jesus' command to proclaim the Gospel".

In his message, the Holy Father does not forget the one he wishes to be the great protagonist of this Synod: the Holy Spirit. He "helps us to carry out the 'apostolate of hearing', that is, to listen with the ears of God in order to speak with the word of God".

The full video with Pope Francis' intention for this October can be seen below:

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