United States

U.S. Supreme Court upholds the Pill

On Friday, April 21, the U.S. Supreme Court decided on the use of the abortion pill, under debate for a few weeks. The Court has approved the use of the chemical abortifacient.

Paloma López Campos-April 23rd, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
US Supreme Court

A few weeks ago, two contradictory rulings opened the debate on the use of the mifepristonean abortifacient chemical. In this scenario, the distribution of the abortion pill was called into question, and as the case moved up the U.S. jurisdictional pyramid, it ended up in the hands of the Supreme Court.

This Court became the deciding court. Its ruling could have banned the use and distribution of mifepristone, thus gaining more ground on the right to life that, for some years now, American society has been demanding.

However, the Supreme Court has blocked lower court rulings banning the use of the abortifacient chemical. Therefore, permission to obtain the abortion pill remains in effect in the United States.

A disappointment

The U.S. Bishops' Conference of Catholic Bishops published a press release to refer to the Court's decision, calling the order a disappointment, "both because of the loss of innocent lives of the unborn through chemical abortion, and because of the danger these abortions pose to women."

However, the bishops do not lose faith, stating: "it is in our hope and prayers that the Court will one day overturn the FDA's unlawful actions". This body they mention is the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, an agency that is accused of having exceeded its authority when it approved the use of mifepristone many years ago.

Continuing to defend life

To conclude their communiqué, the bishops recall that "abortion is never the answer to a difficult or unwanted pregnancy, because it always ends one life and puts another in danger". For this reason, they affirm that they will continue to defend "policies that put women and families first, that seek to be at the service of women in situations of need" and pray that one day killing unborn children will be unthinkable.

At the same time, they remind us that compassion is needed in difficult situations, a compassion that is not empty and that is directed towards both women and children.

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