
Skate Hero: A wave of hope

In the musical "Skate Hero" Ignacio's heart beats in the hearts of the fifty young people who want to follow Ignacio Echevarría's example. 

Javier Segura-June 9, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes
skate hero

It is difficult to talk about something when you are part of that history. But I can't help but recall with gratitude what we experienced this Saturday, June 5, at the premiere of the musical 'Skate Hero'. A musical made in honor of Ignacio Echeverría, who died four years ago in a bomb attack. jihadist in London, when he was defending a young stranger with his skateboard.

After a few months of excited work, we were able to represent the musical we had been working on first to perform in Wales, and then, at the request of Ignacio's own family, in his hometown, Las Rozas.

There were two sessions, in order to reach the maximum number of people, but there could have been many more. The capacity for these two sessions was filled in just twenty minutes when the box office opened. Everything was foreshadowing what we were about to experience. And it was not for less. The figure of Ignacio, his heroic gesture that four years ago moved the whole world, is still alive today, perhaps more alive than ever.

And the media echoed the simple tribute that this group of young people wanted to pay to Ignacio. Magazines, newspapers and even television surprised us with their interest in the story and helped many more people to get to know him.

People... and institutions, because the City Council was involved in the organization of the event and with the presence of its mayor, Mr. José de la Uz. We were also able to count on the presence of the Cardinal of Madrid, Mr. Carlos Osoro, and even the King and Queen of Spain wanted to be present, in some way, sending words of welcome and support!

Emotions intensified between rhythms of songs, recalling the last twenty-four hours of Ignacio's life, faithfully following the information in his own father's book, 'This was my son Ignacio, the skateboard hero'.  Emotions that reached their climax at the final moment, when Ignacio's parents thanked us for the musical, read the message of the Kings and gave us a skateboard of Ignacio, so that we could keep it.

What can I tell you? Well, I have the feeling of being part of something big, much bigger than ourselves. That Ignacio's life, in some way, continues to beat in these young people who took the stage yesterday to sing and tell that it is worth giving one's life for love.

That is why the words of Guillermo, Ignacio's friend, at the tribute paid to him by the City Council of Las Rozas after the attack, have come true again. Guillermo emotionally shouted then, as the skateboarders held up their skateboards, that the terrorists had not killed Ignacio. 'Look, look what you have achieved. This wave of hope.

I think there is no better expression to tell what we live. A wave of hope. The hearts of these young people vibrate to the rhythm of music, skateboarding, surfing. But also to the rhythm of dedication, friendship and faith. It beats to the same rhythm as Ignacio's heart.

That is why it is not an empty, merely sentimental hope. Ignatius' heart beats now in the hearts of the fifty young people who have put the best of themselves on the stage and who want to follow Ignatius' example, to give their lives for love, day by day. His death was not in vain. The life of Ignatius has multiplied. Truly a wave of hope arose in Las Rozas.

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