
"Looking down from on high". A short film about Pauline Jaricot

Pauline Jaricot, founder of the Work for the Propagation of the Faith, germ of the Domund, and inspiration for the rest of the Pontifical Mission Societies, has a short film that brings her figure closer to today's world.

Maria José Atienza-May 9, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes
pauline Jaricot

The short film made by Fides and produced by the Pontifical Mission Societies is entitled "Looking down from above" and presents, in the form of a docufilm, the story and faith experience of Pauline Jaricot. All this is narrated through the eyes and life of Claire, a young woman of our time.

The film aims to communicate, through original images and music, the beauty and love that Jaricot found in God and that generated his missionary passion, so that it also generates in those who enjoy it, an effect of attraction, an authentic vehicle of Christian faith. For this reason, the short film - made at the same time in five languages - will be destined for projection with the aim of promoting missionary animation. The ultimate goal is to proclaim the centrality of Christ in Pauline's life so that the public - especially young people - will be challenged by the message in which she believed, the Gospel.

Bringing the life of Pauline Jaricot closer to you

The shooting of the short film took place over eight days during which the team traveled to France to film with the participation of young people from the Chemin-neuf movement, which has a branch dedicated to evangelization through art, and young people from the French Pontifical Mission Societies.
The shooting locations included the places in Lyon where Jaricot lived her faith experience, and Rustrel, a town in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, known as the "Colorado of Provence", where Pauline Jaricot had founded the Notre Dame des Anges factory. Mayline Tran, the three-year-old girl who received the miracle of healing through the intercession of Pauline Jaricot, and her family also appear in the final scenes of the short film and tell of their own experience.

The documentary has been conceived as a means for the missio ad gentes, a useful work for the initiatives of "a Church going forth" in non-Christian places and environments, and will therefore be made available to all the National Directorates of the Pontifical Mission Societies.

Presentation in Rome

The presentation of this short film will take place on May 13 at the John Paul II Auditorium of the Pontifical Urbaniana University. Giampietro Dal Toso, President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Father Tadeusz Nowak, Secretary General of the POPF and Nataša Govekar, Director of the Theological-Pastoral Direction of the Pontifical Dicastery for Communication will present this production.

Also present will be the director, the authors of the short film and some actors and collaborators of the production. The production and realization of the short film was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the National Directorates of the PMS, in particular: Catholic Mission Australia, Missio Ireland, Missio UK, OMP Spain, OPM Canada Francophone, PMS in the United States, PMS Korea.

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