
"She": The Virgin Mary in contemporary art.

The exhibition brings together twenty contemporary artists who express their vision of the figure and legacy of the Virgin Mary through painting, sculpture, photography and an installation by Ana de Alvear.

Maria José Atienza-December 6, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo: Ana de Alvear's installation in the exhibition.

She - Mary in contemporary art is the exhibition on the Virgin Mary that the space O_LUMEN will be open from December 8 until January 20, 2023.

This exhibition, promoted by the delegation of Faith and Culture of the Archdiocese of Toledo and its delegate, Pilar Gordillo, was exhibited to the public for the first time in the spring of 2022, in the exhibition hall of the Archbishopric of Toledo with an impressive reception by the public.

The exhibition, focused on the figure of the Virgin Mary in contemporary art, consists of more than 40 works of great stylistic and technical diversity. Among these works are some that have been created expressly for this exhibition. Along with them, others, also of recent creation, have been summoned for their importance in the national panorama of current sacred art.

The museographic narrative is divided into major iconographic themes: Mary, woman of hope; Mary with the child Jesus in her arms; Mary in the passion of Jesus. Contemporary art at the service of thought, emotion and the demands of meaning.

Virgin Mary

She - Mary in contemporary art brings together works by the artists Javier Viver, Diana García RoyAna de Alvear, Ana de Alvear, Lidia Benavides, Jesús Carrasco, Valeria Cassina, Dalila del Valle, Carolina Espejo, Kiko Flores, Carlos Galván, Alberto Guerrero, Félix Hernández, Francisco Loma-Osorio, Ángel Lomas.

They are joined by Constanza López Schliting, Greta Malcrona, Juan Ramón Martin, Javier Martínez, Vicente Molina, Margarita Monroy, Matilde Olivera, Antonio Oteiza, Pablo Redondo "Odnoder", Paco Paso, Amalia Parra, Ricardo Plaza, Javier Pulido, Alfonso Salas, Ana Salguero, María Yáñez and Rodrigo Zaparaín.

The exhibition, with free admission, can be visited at the O_LUMEN space located at Calle Claudio Coello, 141, Madrid. The opening hours are Wednesday to Saturday from 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 9 pm and Sundays from 11 am to 3 pm.

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