
Spanish bishops approve Instruction on sexual abuse

This Instruction specifies the current regulations on these cases and will be updated in accordance with higher standards.

María José Atienza-April 21, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
spanish bishops plenary assembly

Press conference after the Spanish Bishops' Plenary Assembly

The 121st Plenary Assembly of the Spanish Bishops has gathered in Madrid at the headquarters of the CEE during the week of April 17-21. On the last day they had a meeting with journalists at the headquarters of the Episcopal Conference.

Note on surrogacy

The Plenary had an "off-agenda" surprise with the publication of a Note from the Episcopal Commission for the Laity, Family and Life regarding surrogate motherhood.

A note in which the bishops recall that no end, no matter how noble, justifies the means and also recalls the importance of protecting the rights of minors, forgotten in the whole process of surrogacy. "García Magán, who recalled that this type of practice turns "motherhood into an object of commerce".

Abuse instruction

One of the central points of the meeting of the Spanish bishops was the approval of an Instruction of the Spanish Episcopal Conference on sexual abuse.
The instruction, addressed to the application, is intended to know how to proceed according to the regulations in force once a complaint is received", explained the secretary general of the EEC, "prevention is part of the objective of the protocols".
This Instruction is based on a document on which the Spanish bishops have been working since the Plenary of April 2019. At that time they asked the Holy See for its authorization to publish a general Decree but, after several consultations, it was considered opportune to wait for the publication of the Vademecum of the Congregation for Bishops, the Motu Proprio "Vos estis lux mundi"The reform of Book VI of the Code of Canon Law.
The approved Instruction contains the new provisions established in the definitive text of Vos estis Lux mundi, and will be updated whenever the canonical norms in force change. Moreover, the character of the Instruction, by unifying and explaining the current law on the matter, reinforces the normative aspect of the document, which will have the force of Norms and not only of guidelines.

Hospitality brokers

Another of the topics discussed at this Plenary was the status of the "Corridors of Hospitality" project. "The Spanish bishops have learned about the pilot experiences aimed at young migrants who are outside the protection mechanisms," he said. García Magán.

Education congress and parent synods

Education continues to be a hot topic in the Spanish Church. In this regard, Bishop García Magán reported on a project presented by the president of the Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture, Bishop Alfonso Carrasco, on the implementation of an Education Congress that would bring together not only the Catholic school but also all the educational entities present.

The bishops have chosen the names of the three Synod Fathers to represent the Spanish Church at the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2023. The names will be announced once Pope Francis confirms the proposed names. They are three members and two substitutes.

The Church does not have a political party 

Asked about the upcoming elections in Spain, the secretary general of the Spanish bishops wanted to stress his hope that "no one will use the Church as a weapon in these elections". "The Church does not have a political party, there is no party that is the party of the Church, I confirm and reaffirm it," García Magán stressed.

The Secretary General of the EEC has repeated that "the Church announces the social doctrine of the Church that covers a wide spectrum of the right to life, labor law, etc.". In this sense, he acknowledged that perhaps "there are parties that come closer on some issues or come closer" but it is always "the lay faithful who has to make a practical judgment on who to choose. We priests do not have to indicate the Vito of anyone; this would be clericalism".

The authorMaría José Atienza

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