The World

Archbishop of Zaragoza, Cardinal You Heung-sik and the Prelate of Opus Dei commemorate 100 years of St. Josemaría's priesthood

To celebrate the centenary of St. Josemaría's ordination to the priesthood, a conference on the priesthood has been organized in Zaragoza.

Javier García Herrería-March 27, 2025-Reading time: 5 minutes
centennial ordination of saint josemaria

From left to right: the historian González Gullón, the Archbishop of Zaragoza, the Prefect of the Dicastery of the Clergy and the Prelate of Opus Dei.

On March 28, 2025, the are 100 years old of the priestly ordination of St. Josemaría Escrivá. He was a seminarian in the diocese of Saragossa for five years and then a diocesan priest during the first years of his ministry.

To celebrate this anniversary, the Alacet Priestly Library, the CARF Foundation and Omnes have organized In the city of the Ebro, a commemorative conference was inaugurated by the Archbishop of Saragossa, Msgr. Carlos Escribano.

Historical context

The historian José Luis González Gullón then reviewed the main biographical events of St. Josemaría in the discovery of his vocation and his seminary years. In his talk he showed many images of St. Josemaría belonging to the Prelature's photographic archives that have not yet seen the light of day, among them a very nice portrait of St. Josemaría's first communion and a photograph of his parents.

Among the lesser-known details of the life of the founder of Opus Dei that he shared, he referred to the moment when St. Josemaría first considered the will of God after seeing the footprints of some bare feet in the snow in Logroño, belonging to some Discalced Carmelites. It is known that, as a result of that event, he began to have spiritual direction with a Carmelite priest, who, a few months later, suggested to him his vocation to that religious institute. St. Josemaría meditated on it seriously, to the point that he even thought that if he entered the order, his name would be "Lover of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Lecture by Cardinal You Heung-sik

For his part, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal You Heung-sik, gave a conference on the holiness and mission of priests. He began by asking for prayers for the Holy Father and shared with the audience that he had informed the Pontiff's secretary of his participation in the event and conveyed the Pope's blessing. 

In a talk marked by good humor and spontaneity, Cardinal You Heung-sik reflected on the holiness and mission of priests from the teaching of the Church and the example of the founder of Opus Dei, highlighting the inseparable relationship between the priestly vocation and total dedication to God and neighbor.

He also emphasized that the priesthood is not only a function, but an identification with Christ, the High Priest, who offered himself fully for the salvation of the world. Following this model, priests are called to live in holiness through their pastoral mission, serving the community with humility and dedication. Quoting St. Josemaría, he recalled that "the priest is always another Christ" and that his life must be conformed to the mystery of the cross.

The Cardinal concluded his address with a call to priests to renew their commitment to God and to the faithful, recalling that the Eucharist is the center of their mission. Following the example of St. Josemaría, who celebrated his first Mass in the Basilica of Pilar, he emphasized that holiness and mission should always go hand in hand, reflecting the merciful love of God and the joy of the Gospel in priestly service.

Speech by Fernando Ocáriz

In the last conference of the morning, Fernando Ocáriz addressed the theme of the Eucharist and the priesthood, highlighting some of the teachings of St. Josemaría, who affirmed that the Mass is the "center and root" of Christian life. From this perspective, he explained how the priest, in celebrating the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, acts as a mediator of the divine gifts. Ocáriz deepened in the importance of the priestly role in this celebration, underlining the need to officiate the Mass with serenity and recollection.

The Prelate of Opus Dei agreed with Cardinal You Heung-sik in underlining two particularly relevant aspects of priestly life. On the one hand, the particularity of the priestly vocation consists in identification with Christ, which allows him to act in his name and continue his mission. On the other hand, priestly life must be guided by pastoral charity and a deep spirit of service, fundamental to their commitment to the sheep they shepherd.

priests laughter
From left to right: the vicar of Zaragoza, Esteban Aranaz, Jorge Salas and Antonio Cobo.

In China, the Alpujarra and Stockholm

If anyone thought that a round table on priests was going to be solemn and serious, they were sorely mistaken. "The universal heart of the priest: from East to West passing through the rural world" was a meeting full of laughter, surprising stories and a deep insight into the priestly vocation in the most diverse places on the planet.

The protagonists of this conversation were three Opus Dei priests whose lives are as different as they are inspiring: Esteban Aranaz, a missionary in China and originally from the diocese of Tarazona; Jorge de Salas, a numerary priest in Sweden and judicial vicar in Stockholm; and Antonio Cobo, a diocesan priest who lives his mission in the Alpujarra region of Almeria.

Esteban Aranaz told how his adventure in China began with a simple conversation in his Aragonese parish: "I spoke with a pagan Chinese and, after that moment, my heart desired to go on mission to China". So simple and so impactful. With humor and gratitude, he recalled how his diocese allowed him to go to Taiwan and China as a missionary. He also thanked Opus Dei for its support, emphasizing St. Josemaría's spirit of caring for all priests, whether or not they belonged to the Work.

Jorge de Salas arrived in Sweden in 1985, when - as he jokes - he still had hair. The bishop of Stockholm had asked for a canonist, and there he went, ready to serve in a cold and rather individualistic country. Today he is a priest who tries to accompany the country's 160 priests, being one among them. "Here the work is different, but the essence of the priesthood is the same: to be for others," he explained.

Antonio Cobo met with an unexpected fate when he asked his bishop for a sabbatical year and the bishop sent him to seven villages in the Alpujarra. "He sold it to me as something very peaceful," he said with a chuckle. This year he has only two first communion children and his work in the rural world does not give to form parish groups of any kind, it is the so-called "empty Spain". He assures that he has never been happier as a priest because "he can treat people one by one, and that is a gift", he confessed. He also thanked the CARF Foundation for having helped him finance his priestly studies.

Beyond the laughter and anecdotes, the round table left a clear message: the priest's heart knows no borders. Whether in a Chinese mega-city, in the cold Swedish countryside or in a remote corner of the Alpujarra, the priestly vocation is universal and at the service of all. And it can also be lived with a sense of humor.

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