
Presentation of the group of young university students of the Archbishopric of Castrense

The initiative, very dear to Bishop Juan del Río, is consolidated with proposals to be carried out among young military personnel.

Maria José Atienza-March 8, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute
young arz castrense

The presentation of this initiative took place on March 5. This youth group was one of the most beloved projects of the recently deceased Bishop Juan Del Rio.

Under the gaze of the image of Christ of the Halberdiers, the youth group of this archbishopric was presented last Friday in the military cathedral.

This initiative, coordinated by the Delegate for Youth and Chaplain of the Royal Guard, Mr. Iván Cote, began to take shape at the end of October last year and is being consolidated with the proposals that will be carried out soon among the young soldiers.

The youth group was one of the wishes of Archbishop Juan del Río and has not been abandoned after his death. The presentation, solemn and devout, included Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and a prayer, led by the Ordinary of the Military Archdiocese, Carlos Jesús Montes Herreros, in which Taizé songs were shared, a time of contemplation was dedicated after Lectio Divina, and the prayers and concerns of the youth of our Archbishopric were presented.

It was attended by the Vice Secretary for General Affairs of the Episcopal Conference, the first Counselor of the Nunciature in Spain, representatives of the Congregation of Christ of the Halberdiers, with its elder brother at the head, and a large group of military chaplains together with young people from their respective places of assignment.

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