The Vatican

Pope will be in Mongolia from September 1 to 4

Pope Francis will travel to Mongolia from September 1 to 4, 2023. During his trip he will meet with civil authorities, clergy, consecrated people and workers in charitable institutions. The program also includes an ecumenical meeting.

Paloma López Campos-July 6, 2023-Reading time: < 1 minute
Pope Francis

The Pope during the Angelus on July 2 (CNS photo / Vatican Media)

Pope Francis will visit Mongolia from September 1 to 4, 2023 during a visit to the country. apostolic journey. Francis will leave Rome on the afternoon of August 31 and will not land in Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia, until the following day. This first day does not include any event beyond the official welcome, as the Holy Father will rest after the long flight.

On Saturday, September 2, a welcoming ceremony will be held, after which the Pope will visit the President of the country. Shortly thereafter, he will meet with civil authorities and the diplomatic corps at the State Palace, during which he will deliver a speech.

At eleven o'clock in the morning of the same day, the Pontiff will meet with the president of the Mongolian parliament and, immediately afterwards, with the prime minister. Francis will then be able to rest until the afternoon.

At four o'clock will close the day's program with a meeting in the cathedral of the city. The bishops, priests and missionaries will attend, consecrated and pastoral ministers, who will be able to listen to an address by the Pope.

The following day, Francis will attend only two events. In the morning there will be a religious and ecumenical meeting. At four o'clock in the afternoon he will celebrate Holy Mass in the "Steppe Arena".

During the last day of the trip, the Pope will meet with charity workers and inaugurate the "House of Mercy". Two hours later, the farewell ceremony will take place at the airport and at noon the plane will take off for Rome.

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