The Vatican

Looking to heaven and the rosary for peace, proposals of the Pope

On this Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pope Francis suggested that "we should not allow ourselves to be swept away by the present" and that "we should look upwards, towards heaven, towards the goal", because "we are called to eternity, to the encounter with God". At the end of the Regina Caeli he encouraged us to pray the rosary "asking Our Lady for the gift of peace, especially in the martyred Ukraine".

Francisco Otamendi-May 7, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
Pope 7 May

The Pope greets the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square before Regina Caeli (Vatican News English)

On the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Pope Francis invited the Romans and pilgrims present in St. Peter's Square "not to be afraid," because the Lord shows us, in the Gospel of this Sunday's liturgy (Jn 14:1-12), where to go and how to go. Where "is heaven. Let us remember the goal. Let us think that we are called to eternity, to the encounter with God". And how to go: "The compass to reach heaven is to love Jesus," he said. 

In commenting on the Gospel passage, which narrates "the last discourse of Jesus before his death", the Pope He said: "The hearts of the disciples are troubled, but the Lord speaks reassuring words to them, inviting them not to be afraid. He, in fact, is not abandoning them, but is going to prepare a place for them, and to guide them towards that goal".

"The Lord thus indicates to all of us today the wonderful place to go. And at the same time, he tells us how to go. Where to go and how to go. He teaches us the way to go," the Pontiff explained. 

"Jesus uses the familiar image of the house, a place of relationships and intimacy. In the Father's house, he says to his friends and to each one of us, there is room for you, you are welcome, you will be welcomed forever with the warmth of an embrace, and I am in heaven preparing a place for you. He prepares us for that embrace with the Father, the place for all eternity," he added.

"Brothers and sisters, this word is a source of consolation, it is a source of hope for us. Jesus has not separated himself from us. He has opened the way for us, anticipating our final destiny, the encounter with God the Father, in whose heart there is a place, there is a place for each one of us."

Do not lose sight of the goal

"So," he continued, "when we experience fatigue, bewilderment, even failure, let us remember where our life is headed. We must not lose sight of the goal. Even if we run the risk of forgetting it, of forgetting the final questions, the important ones: where are we going? Where are we walking towards? Why is life worth living?"

"Sometimes, especially when there are big problems to face, there is the feeling that evil is stronger, and we ask ourselves: what should I do, what path should I follow? Let us listen to Jesus' answer," Francis continued. "I am the way, the truth and the life. Jesus himself is the way to follow, to live the truth and to have life in abundance. He is the way, and therefore, faith in him is not a package of ideas to believe in, no. It is a path to follow. No. It is a path to follow, a journey to accomplish, a journey with Him. It is to follow Jesus, because He is the way that leads to happiness that does not perish. 

"To follow Jesus is to imitate him," the Pope pointed out. "Especially with gestures of closeness and mercy towards others. This is the compass to reach heaven. To love Jesus, the way, becoming signs of his love on earth."

"And from heaven, from the heart, let us renew today the choice of Jesus, the choice to love Him, and to walk behind Him. May the Virgin Mary, who, following Jesus, has already reached the goal, sustain our hope," he concluded.

Asking Our Lady for the gift of peace

In his concluding remarks, after the prayer of the Regina caeli, the Pope informed that tomorrow at Pompeii In this month of May," he said, "let us pray the rosary asking the Blessed Virgin for the gift of peace, especially for the tormented Ukraine. May the leaders of the nations hear the cry of the people who desire peace".

Earlier, the Pope asked for a round of applause for two people who reached the altars yesterday. In Montevideo (Uruguay), the bishop was beatified. Jacinto VeraHe was a pastor who cared for his people, witnessed to the Gospel with a generous missionary impulse, and favored social reconciliation in a tense climate due to the civil war," he said.

"And in Granada (Spain), she has been beatified. Conchita Berrechegurenwho in 1927, at the age of 22, bedridden due to a serious illness, endured her sufferings with great spiritual strength, arousing admiration and consolation in everyone".

The Pontiff greeted faithful from many countries, in particular from Australia, Spain, England, and the students of St. Thomas College in Lisbon, among other pilgrims. Meter Association with its founder, don Fortunato di Noto, who are committed to preventing and combating violence against minors". Today they are celebrating the 28th day of child victims. "I am close to you and I accompany you with my prayers and my affection. Never tire of being on the side of the children. Christ the Child is there waiting for you," he said.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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