The Vatican

WYD will be a "win-win world cup," says Pope Francis

On this Sunday, feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pope Francis encouraged young Argentines who will participate in the next WYD in Lisbon, to raise together "the cup of fraternity", in a "world cup that we all win", and to "experience in depth the longing of Jesus". At the Angelus, he lamented that we have "lost our memory" in the face of bombings and wars.

Francisco Otamendi-July 16, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
angelus pope jmj

Photo: The Pope during the Angelus on July 16 ©Vatican Media

At the Angelus today, July 16, the feast of the Holy Father, the Pope said Our Lady of Mount CarmelHe turned to Mary to "help us to be generous and joyful sowers of the Good News". 

On the occasion of the feast of "Stella Maris, patroness of seafarers", many countries honor the "Queen of the Seas", asking her protection and protection in times of distress and difficulty. The Pope has written several tweets in social networks about the Virgen del Carmen and the sailors and fishermen.

"That of the 'sowing' is a very beautiful image, which Jesus uses to describe the gift of His Word," the Holy Father began his addressHe warned against the danger of discouragement. "Let us never forget, when we proclaim the Word, that even where it seems that nothing is happening, in reality the Holy Spirit is at work and the kingdom of God is already growing, through and beyond our efforts. Therefore, go forward with joy!".

"Let us remember the people who have placed the seed of the Word of God in our lives: perhaps it has sprouted years after we have encountered their examples, but it has happened precisely thanks to them!" the Pontiff continued. 

In the light of all this, let us ask ourselves: "Do I sow the good? Am I concerned only with harvesting for myself or also with sowing for others? Do I sow some seeds of the Gospel in everyday life: study, work, free time? Do I get discouraged or, like Jesus, do I continue sowing, even if I do not see immediate results?", and he concluded by invoking the Virgin Mary.

Bombings and wars: "we have lost our memory".

The Holy Father also recalled that "80 years ago, on July 19, 1943, some districts of Rome, especially San Lorenzo, were bombed, and the Pope, the venerable Pius XII, wanted to go among the devastated people," he said. 

"Unfortunately, even today these tragedies are repeated," Pope Francis said. "How is this possible? We have lost our memory. May the Lord have mercy on us and free the human family from the scourge of war. In particular, let us pray for the dear Ukrainian people, who suffer so much." 

To the young people going to WYD Lisbon

Before the Angelus, Pope Francis received in audience young pilgrims from the Archdiocese of Cordoba (Argentina), on their way to WYD in Lisbon.

"You, like so many thousands of other young people who are heading to Portugal during these days, are bringing to life the motto that summons us: like Mary, you have risen up - you have left what you know: your families, your comforts - and you are setting out without delay to meet others (cf. Lk 1:39)," said the Pontiff, who will also attend WYD in early August. 

"I would like to ask you," he added: "Did you realize that you are preparing to "play a world cup"? This "world cup" is very special, it is a friendly encounter in which there are no winners and losers, but we all win. Yes, because when we go out of ourselves and meet others, when we share - that is, when we give what we have and are open to receive what others offer us - when we do not reject anyone; then we are all victorious, and we can raise together 'the cup of fraternity'", he said.

"To live this World Cup intensely".

"During these days in Rome, before the start of WYD, you can see the footprints of many Christians who followed Christ to the end, of many saints who gave their lives for Him at different times in history," the Pope continued. 

"I encourage you to live intensely this "world, this World Youth Day, which will enrich you with a great diversity of faces, of cultures, of experiences, of different expressions and manifestations of our faith". 

"But above all," Pope Francis stressed, "you will be able to experience in depth the longing of Jesus: that we may be 'one' so that the world may believe (cf. Jn 17:21), and this will help you to bear witness to the joy of the Gospel to so many other young people who do not find the meaning of life or who have lost the way to move forward. I wish you a good game. May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin watch over you. And please pray for me, and I will see you in Lisbon!

Omnes pages on WYD and the Marian Route

In the number of July-August Omnes of this year 2023, you will find several pages dedicated to WYD Lisbon, which starts on August 1st, with testimonies of participants of different nationalities, the agenda of the days and a comprehensive summary of the Portugal that hosts this world meeting.

Américo Aguiar, auxiliary bishop of Lisbon and president of the WYD Lisbon 2023 Foundation, who will be created cardinal at the end of September, and the Spanish priest Raúl Tinajero, director of the Youth Pastoral Department of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.

Omnes also offers a special issue dedicated to the Marian Route, which links the sanctuaries of El Pilar, Torreciudad, Montserrat, Lourdes and Meritxell, and which has become, since its creation, a means of promotion, not only of the sanctuaries but also of the surrounding counties and towns.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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