The Vatican

Pope Francis: "To let oneself be overcome by anger in adversity is easy; what is difficult is to master oneself".

After the closing Mass of the World Meeting of Families, the Pope addressed his reflections after the Angelus from the balcony of his office. Starting from the Gospel scene of the day, he encouraged the faithful not to let themselves be carried away by anger, despite being tempted to do so. The example of the apostles reflected in the story should serve as an encouragement to believers.

Javier Garcia-June 26, 2022-Reading time: < 1 minute

Pilgrims waiting for the Angelus prayer last Sunday. ©CNS photo/Vatican Media

The This Sunday's Gospel shows how "the disciples, filled with an enthusiasm that is still too worldly, dream that the Master is on his way to triumph. Jesus, on the other hand, knows that rejection and death await him in Jerusalem; he knows that he will have to suffer much; and this requires a firm decision. It is the same decision that we must make if we want to be disciples of Jesus".

On the way to JerusalemIn a Samaritan village, the inhabitants refused to receive Jesus. "The apostles James and John, indignant, suggest to Jesus that he punish these people by bringing fire down from heaven. Jesus not only does not accept the proposal, but rebukes the two brothers. They want to involve Him in their desire for revenge and He does not agree. The fire  that He came to bring to earth is the merciful Love of the Father. 

The reaction of James and John is understandable from the human point of view, but Jesus does not justify it. "This also happens to us, when, although we do good, perhaps sacrificially, instead of welcome we find a closed door. Then anger arises: we even try to involve God himself, threatening heavenly punishments (...) Letting ourselves be overcome by anger in adversity is easy, it is instinctive. The difficult thing, instead, is to master oneself, doing as Jesus did, who - the Gospel says - set out "on the road to another village". 

For this reason, Pope Francis encouraged the faithful that when they encounter the rejection of their preaching by others, "we should resort to doing good elsewhere, without recriminations. In this way, Jesus helps us to be serene people, content with the good we have done and without seeking human approval."

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