The Vatican

Jesus shows us the "face of the Father," Pope teaches

God is not a distant master who speaks to us from on high, but a Father full of love and compassion who comes close to us, the Pope stressed on Sunday. After praying the Angelus, Francis congratulated the lunar New Year, which begins on the 10th, and prayed for peace, human life, against human trafficking, and for victims of serious fires in Chile.

Francisco Otamendi-February 4, 2024-Reading time: 3 minutes

Pope Francis greets the people gathered in St. Peter's Square during the Angelus prayer (Photo CNS / Vatican Media).

Lunar New Year greetings to millions of families in East Asian nations and other countries, perhaps one of the most important holidays in China; "the immense value of human life," on the occasion of the 46th World Lunar New Year's Day; and "the immense value of human life," on the occasion of the 46th World Lunar New Year's Day. for Life in ItalyThe theme is "The power of life surprises us", and the union to "counteract human trafficking", following the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Trafficking in Human Beings. human traffickingThe Pope Francis made some of the following requests after the meeting on February 8, which will be held on February 8. Angelus this Sunday.

In addition, the Pontiff prayed for peaceThe President of the Republic, who is "the responsibility of the entire human family", especially in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel; he saluted the consecrated men and women participating in the meeting "Pilgrims of hope". on the road to peace, and prayed for the victims and those affected by the serious fires in central Chile.

God, Father of mercy

Before the recitation of the prayer of the Angelus the Virgin Mary, the Pope focused his brief meditation on rediscovering the true face of God, the "Face of the Father" as shown to us by Jesus in the Gospel, in the readings corresponding.

The Gospel of today's Liturgy shows us Jesus on the move, the Pope said. "Indeed, he has just finished preaching and, after leaving the synagogue, he goes to Simon Peter's house and cures his mother-in-law who was ill with fever."

"Then, in the evening, he goes out again to the gate of the city, where he meets many sick and demoniacs and heals them; the next morning, he rises very early and goes out to retire to pray; finally he sets out again and travels throughout Galilee."

After a whole day on the move, Jesus withdraws in prayer, to bring everything and everyone to the heart of the Father; and prayer gives him the strength to return to his brothers and sisters. "This unceasing journey of Jesus challenges us. We can ask ourselves: have we discovered the Face of God as the Father of mercy, or do we rather announce and believe in a cold and distant God? Does faith move us to set out on the journey, or is it an intimate consolation that leaves us at ease? Do we pray only to feel at peace, or does the Word that we hear and preach make us go out, like Jesus, to encounter others to spread the consolation of God?"

God is closeness, compassion and tenderness

These are some of the reflections and questions that the Pontiff posed aloud for interior examination. "Let us look, then, at the way of Jesus, and let us remember that our first spiritual work is this: to abandon the God we think we know and convert ourselves every day to the God Jesus presents to us in the Gospel, the Father of love and compassion."

"And when we discover the true Face of the Father, our faith matures: we no longer remain "sacristy Christians" or "parlor Christians," but we feel called to be bearers of God's hope and healing." 

May Mary Most Holy, Woman on the Way, help us to go out of ourselves to proclaim and bear witness to the Lord, concluded Francis on this Sunday, which is now close to Lent.

Inalienable dignity of each person, concrete expressions of it

In greeting families for the Lunar New Year, the Pope noted "the desire that this feast be an opportunity to live relationships of affection and gestures of affection, which contribute to creating a society of solidarity and fraternity, in which each person is recognized and welcomed in his or her inalienable dignity."

Then, invoking the Lord's blessing on all, he referred to peace in these terms. "Pray for peace, for which the world yearns so much and which, today, is so difficult to attain.

for which the world yearns so much and which, today more than ever, is in danger in many places. It is not the responsibility of a few, but of the entire human family: let us all work together to build it with gestures of compassion and courage".

Referring to the Day for Life in Italy, he remarked: "I join the Italian bishops in the desire to overcome ideological visions in order to rediscover that every human life, even the most marked by limitations, has immense value and is capable of giving something to others".

And with regard to trafficking, these were his words. "I greet the young people from so many countries who have come for the World Day of Prayer and Reflection against Trafficking, to be celebrated on February 8, in memory of St. Josephine Bakhita, the Sudanese nun from Sudan who had been a slave as a child. Even today, many brothers and sisters are deceived with false promises and then subjected to exploitation and abuse. Let us all unite to fight against the dramatic worldwide phenomenon of human trafficking".

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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