The Vatican

Pope Francis gathers more than fifty thousand people in Singapore

On the penultimate day of his longest apostolic journey, Pope Francis had an intense agenda in Singapore with two major events: a meeting with the authorities and the diplomatic corps at the Parliament and a Mass in the "Sports Hub" stadium.

Hernan Sergio Mora-September 12, 2024-Reading time: 4 minutes
Pope Francis gathers more than fifty thousand people in Singapore

The Holy Father was received by the President of the Republic, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, participating in the "Orchid Naming Ceremony", a symbolic floral tribute that embodies the warm welcome of Singapore. Despite the adverse weather, it was a beautiful ceremony, with the Guard of Honor in position and the national anthems.

In the book of honor, the Pope wrote: "As the star guided the Three Kings, so may the light of wisdom always guide Singapore in the construction of a united society, capable of transmitting hope".

After this meeting in Parliament, the Holy Father proceeded to the University Cultural Center of the prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS), where more than 1,000 people were waiting for him, including religious leaders, diplomats, businessmen and representatives of civil society.

Singapore, between harmony and social exclusion

Francis addressed the audience by first acknowledging that "Singapore is a mosaic of ethnicities, cultures and religions living together in harmony." He then praised the fact that the country "has not only prospered economically, but has strived to build a society in which social justice and the common good are highly valued."

"In this regard," the Pontiff warned, "I would like to point out the risk" that meritocracy entails as an "unintended consequence" of "legitimizing the exclusion of those who find themselves on the margins of the benefits of progress."

The Pontiff also delved into the problem of "the sophisticated technologies of the digital age and the rapidly evolving use of artificial intelligence" and the danger of "making us forget that it is essential to cultivate real and concrete human relationships" and that these technologies "can be enhanced precisely to bring us closer to one another, promoting understanding and solidarity, and not to isolate ourselves dangerously in a fictitious and impalpable reality."

The Church in Singapore

The Holy Father did not forget also the work that "the Catholic Church in Singapore, since the beginning of its presence, has offered", especially "in the sectors of education and health, thanks to the missionaries and the Catholic faithful". Because "animated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Catholic community is also at the forefront of charitable works".

Moreover, the Church - the Pontiff continued, recalling the declaration "Nostra Aetate" of the Second Vatican Council on relations with non-Christian religions - has constantly promoted interreligious dialogue and collaboration between different faith communities.

The Pope took the occasion to emphasize that the institution of the family, today questioned, "must be able to transmit the values that give meaning and form to life and to teach young people to form solid and healthy relationships."

Francis said goodbye praising that in Singapore "the commitment to sustainable development and the protection of creation is an example to follow, and the search for innovative solutions to address environmental challenges can encourage other countries to do the same".

After the meeting in the state, the Holy Father returned to the "St. Francis Xavier" Retreat Center, where he is staying. There he had a meeting with the former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong and his wife.

In the afternoon, at 4:00 p.m., the doors of the national stadium "Sports Hub" reopened to welcome the Pontiff. More than 55,000 faithful were eagerly waiting to participate in the Holy Mass in memory of the Most Holy Name of Mary.

Pope Francis entered the covered stadium in a car and blessed several children, visibly moved, amidst loud applause and songs of joy.

During the Mass, the prayers of the faithful were recited in English, Chinese, Tamil and Malay, reflecting the beating heart of a nation that is a crossroads of cultures.

In his homily, the Holy Father drew on St. Paul to recommend the cultivation of communion in charity: "Knowledge fills with pride, but love edifies. A communion for which Francis wanted to thank the Lord, because it is the one lived by the Church of Singapore, "rich in gifts, lively, growing and in constructive dialogue with other confessions and religions".

Commenting on the "impressive constructions" of the Asian country, Francis indicated that these "are not, as many think, first and foremost money, nor technique, nor engineering - all useful means - but love: 'the love that builds'".

But more important than this, the Bishop of Rome highlighted the "many stories of love to be discovered: of men and women united in a community, of citizens dedicated to their country, of mothers and fathers concerned for their families, of professionals and workers of every type and level, honestly committed to their different roles and tasks."

"Dear brothers and sisters," the Pontiff added, "if there is anything good that remains in this world, it is only because, in infinite and diverse circumstances, love has prevailed over hatred, solidarity over indifference, generosity over selfishness."

Recalling St. John Paul II's visit to Singapore in 1986, the Pope quoted one of his phrases: "Love is characterized by a profound respect for all people, regardless of their race, creed or what makes them different from us.

Pope Francis also wanted to recall in his homily the figures of the saints, "conquered by the God of mercy, to the point of becoming his reflection". He especially highlighted "Mary, the memory of whose Most Holy Name we celebrate today" and St. Francis Xavier, welcomed in Singapore a few months before his death, who in a beautiful letter says that he would like to "shout here and there like a madman and shake those who have more knowledge than charity".

After the homily, the Pope blessed all those present and the ceremony concluded in front of the statue of Mary for the singing of the Salve Regina.

The Holy Father's long day concluded at 7:35 p.m. local time, with a private dinner at his lodging at the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Center, to rest from physical fatigue but also with the joy of bringing hope, leaving a deep mark in the hearts of millions of people.

The authorHernan Sergio Mora

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