The Vatican

Pope wants Catholics to listen to "the cry of the earth".

In his prayer intention for the month of September, Pope Francis wants Catholics to listen to "the cry of the earth" and accompany those who suffer the consequences of environmental disasters.

Paloma López Campos-August 30, 2024-Reading time: < 1 minute

Pope Francis releases a dove after an ecumenical meeting in Italy (CNS photo / Paul Haring).

Coinciding with the "Time of Creation"Pope Francis asks that during the month of September Catholics strive to listen "with their hearts to the cry of the Earth".

The Holy Father also wishes to accompany with prayer "the victims of environmental catastrophes and the climate crisis". He also asks believers to make a personal commitment to "care for the world we inhabit".

A world, says the Pope in his message, that "has a fever. And it is sick, like any sick person. But the importance of awareness does not only lie in the environment. Francis explains that those who suffer most from environmental catastrophes "are the poor, those who are forced to leave their homes because of floods, heat waves or droughts".

In the same vein, the Pontiff points out that "dealing with man-made environmental crises, such as climate change, pollution or the loss of biodiversity, calls for not only ecological, but also social, economic and political responses."

For this reason, the Holy Father encourages commitment "in the fight against poverty and the protection of nature, changing our personal habits and those of our community".

The Pope invites hope

The Pope's intention for September is closely linked to the "Time of Creation", which begins on the first day of the month and will end on October 4. For this period, the Bishop of Rome has chosen as his theme "To hope and act with Creation".

With this motto, the Pontiff wants to raise awareness that a better future can be prepared for the next generations. On the other hand, it is a good precedent for the Jubilee Year of Hope that will begin on December 24, 2024.

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