The Vatican

Pope consecrates the life of all and the Church to the Queen of Peace

In the context of a solemn Holy Rosary, in his sorrowful mysteries, Pope Francis gave and consecrated this evening, in St. Peter's Basilica, his life and that of all, and the Church, to the Queen of Peace, the Virgin Mary. The Holy Father prayed for her intercession "for our world in danger and in turmoil" in the face of countries and regions at war.

Francisco Otamendi-October 28, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes

The Pope at the prayer vigil on October 27 ©OSV

Accompanied by the faithful that filled St. Peter's, cardinals, bishops, priests and religious, and so many lay people, many of them families, and with the Ave Maria resounding between mystery and sorrowful mystery of the Rosary, and the Salve at the end, Pope Francis has prayed intensely this Roman evening for peace in the world to the Queen of Peace.

The prayer of the RosarioThe Roman Pontiff presided over this Prayer for Peace, with its sorrowful mysteries and sung litanies, in a particularly solemn tone, which recalled the consecrations he has made for peace at Ukraine. Now also before the major conflict of the war in Holy Landand in other parts of the world, united with the Pope.

This was followed by the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the petitions of the faithful, and finally Benediction.

"Mary, look upon us, Mother".

"Mary, look at us. We are here before you. You are Mother, you know our weariness and our wounds. You, Queen of Peace, you suffer with us and for us, seeing so many of your children torn apart by conflicts, anguished by the wars that tear the world apart". This is how the Holy Father began his address at the Prayer for Peace

The Pope has appealed to the Virgin as Mother on several occasions, Mother of God and our Mother. For example, when he said: "Mother, alone we cannot make it, without your Son we can do nothing. But you bring us to Jesus, who is our peace. Therefore, Mother of God and our Mother, we have recourse to you, we seek refuge in your immaculate Heart. We implore for mercy, Mother of mercy; we beg for peace, Queen of peace".

He then prayed: "Now, Mother, take the initiative on our behalf once more in these times of conflict and devastation by weapons. Turn your merciful eyes to the human family that has lost the path of peace, that has preferred Cain to Abel and that, losing the sense of fraternity, does not recover the warmth of home. Intercede for our world in danger and confusion".

"Teach us to welcome and care for life - all human life - and to repudiate the madness of war, which sows death and eliminates the future," the Pope added. "In this hour of darkness, we immerse ourselves in your luminous eyes and entrust ourselves to your heart, which is sensitive to our problems and which was also not exempt from anxieties and fears."

"Lead us to conversion and unity."

"Mary, many times you have come to meet us, asking us for prayer and penance," the Pope continued. "We, however, busy in our affairs and distracted by so many worldly interests, have remained deaf to your calls. But you, who love us, do not tire of us, Mother. Take us by the hand, lead us to conversion, make us put God back at the center. Help us to maintain unity in the Church and to be artisans of communion in the world".

Remind us of the importance of our role, the Pope added; "make us feel responsible for peace, called to pray and adore, to intercede and make reparation for the whole human race".

"We consecrate our lives to you, the Church."

Later, Francis asked the Virgin Mary to drive away hatred, to revive hope, and gave her all that we are: "She moves the hearts of those who are trapped by hatred, converts those who nourish and foment conflicts. She wipes away the tears of children, assists those who are lonely and elderly, sustains the wounded and the sick, protects those who had to leave their land and their loved ones, consoles the discouraged, rekindles hope".

"We give and consecrate to you our lives, every fiber of our being, what we have and what we are, forever," the Pontiff prayed. "We consecrate the Church to you so that, witnessing to the love of Jesus to the world, she may be a sign of harmony and an instrument of peace. We consecrate our world to you, especially the countries and regions at war."

At the end of his meditation, the Pope called the Virgin Mary "dawn of salvation," "dwelling place of the Holy Spirit," "Lady of all peoples," and asked her: "Reconcile your children, seduced by evil, blinded by power and hatred. You who have compassion for all, teach us to take care of others. You who reveal the tenderness of the Lord, make us witnesses of his consolation. Mother, You, Queen of peace, pour into our hearts the harmony of God. Amen.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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