The Vatican

Pope calls for "mercy of the Father" in a world of wars

In his catechesis on apostolic zeal, the Holy Father Francis exhorted this morning to "promptness" and to "move" to evangelize. He also announced the upcoming Divine Mercy Sunday instituted by St. John Paul II, noting that in a "world increasingly tested by wars and alienated from God, we need the Father's Mercy even more." "Through your sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world" he prayed.

Francisco Otamendi-April 12, 2023-Reading time: 3 minutes
Pope audience

Pope Francis during the audience on April 12 (Vatican news English)

In this morning's Audience, Pope Francis resumed his catechesis on apostolic zeal, commenting on St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians; he asked for "the Father's Mercy when the world is increasingly tested by wars and alienated from God", recalling the forthcoming "Divine Mercy SundayThe feast instituted by St. John Paul II, as desired by the Lord Jesus through saint Faustina KowalskaThe encyclical, "The Encyclical of the Church," which was published almost a century ago, invited the reader to read and be inspired by the encyclical Pacem in Terris of St. John XXIII.

"Through your sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world," Pope Francis prayed, with the traditional formula of the chapletHe was the first to address the Polish-speaking pilgrims. And at the end of the General AudienceHe again told the faithful present in St. Peter's Square: "Next Sunday we celebrate the Mercy of God. It is Mercy Sunday. The Lord never ceases to be merciful. Let us think of the mercy of God who always welcomes us, always accompanies us, never leaves us alone".

It should be recalled that with the Feast of the Divine Mercy concludes the Octave of Easter. This devotionThe project, which has spread throughout the world, was promoted by St. John Paul IIThe canonization of St. Faustina Kowalska took place on April 30, 2000.

"Readiness to evangelize".

"Today we reflect on apostolic zeal," with words of St. Paul in the Letter to the Ephesians, the Pope began his catechesis. After pointing out that some "dedicate themselves to wrong choices, to a false evangelical impulse, which seeks self-love," the Pontiff asked what are the characteristics of apostolic zeal, according to St. Paul. And the Pope highlighted, in particular, "the readiness to spread the Gospel". 

The Holy Father further pointed out that the herald of the Gospel "must move, must change. The footwear is zeal. It is the footwear of a soldier who goes into battle, where there is an adversary, there are traps. The preachers of the Gospel are the feet of the Mystical Body of Christ, of the Church. Those who proclaim Jesus must move, thinking of the proclamation of Jesus. There is no proclamation without movement, without a way out, without initiative".

"One is not a Christian if one is not on the way, if one does not go out of oneself. The Gospel is not proclaimed by standing behind a desk, locked up in an office, replacing the creativity of proclamation with the elaboration of ideas", doing a task of "cut and paste". The Gospel is proclaimed by moving, walking, going, with alacrity", like St. Paul.

"The true evangelizer is always ready to move to proclaim the Gospel of Peace, he is ready to go out, he is not fossilized in cages", he added. "We must have this readiness to announce the newness of the Gospel of Peace, which Christ knows how to give more and better than the way the world gives it. Evangelizers who move without fear, to bring the beauty of Jesus, the nobility of Jesus, who changes everything. And he asked: "Are you ready for Jesus to change your heart? Think a little.

On several occasions, addressing pilgrims in different languages, the Pope congratulated the Easter season: "Happy Easter in the peace of Christ", and remembered in his prayer, in addition to the sick, the elderly and the needy, as he always does, the new deacons of the Society of Jesus.

"'Pacem in Terris', a true blessing".

"Yesterday was the anniversary of the encyclical. Pacem in Terris', which St. John XXIII addressed to the Church and to the world in the midst of the Cold War," Francis recalled in his address to the Italian-speaking pilgrims. The encyclical was signed on April 11, 1963, 60 years ago.

"The Pope opened before everyone the broad horizon in which he speaks of building peace. That encyclical was a true blessing," added the Holy Father Francis, "like a serene opening of heaven, in the midst of dark clouds. Relations between politicians and human beings are not regulated by weapons but by justice and laborious solidarity. I invite the faithful, men and women of good will, to read Pacem in Terris. I pray that the heads of nations will allow themselves to be inspired by its projects and decisions".

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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