The Vatican

Pope calls for peace and care for the earth in Papua New Guinea

Pope Francis' 45th apostolic journey continues with another stop in Southeast Asia and will continue until the 13th of this month in two other countries: Timor Leste and Singapore.

Hernan Sergio Mora-September 7, 2024-Reading time: 4 minutes

Pope Francis greets a woman dressed in traditional costume upon his arrival at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians in Port Moresby ©CNS photo/Lola Gomez

The Pope arrived yesterday afternoon in Port Moresby, capital of Papua New Guinea. At the airport he was received with honors that included cannon fire, a guard of honor and a floral tribute carried by two children dressed in tribal costumes.

On his way to the nunciature, where he is staying during these days, the Pope could feel the thousands of people who greeted him with torches and the lights of cell phones in the streets of the capital.

Meeting with the authorities

Saturday morning began with Holy Mass after which the Pontiff moved to Government House in Port Moresby, where he was received by the Governor General of Papua New Guinea, Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae, with whom he had a private meeting.

In the book of honor offered to him, Francis wrote: "I am happy to be able to meet with the people of Papua New Guinea, I hope that they will always find light and strength in prayer to walk together on the path of justice and peace".

The second stop was at the APEC Haus for the meeting with the authorities, civil society and the Diplomatic Corps where the first speech of the day took place. In your homeland, an archipelago with hundreds of islands, more than eight hundred languages are spoken, corresponding to as many ethnic groups," said the Successor of Peter, "which highlights an extraordinary cultural richness".

"Your country - the Holy Father continued - in addition to islands and languages, is also rich in land and water resources". While he wanted to clarify that "these goods are destined by God for the whole community, and although for their exploitation it is necessary to have recourse to broader competencies and to large international companies, it is right that in the distribution of income and in the use of labor, due account should be taken of the needs of the local populations, so as to bring about an effective improvement in their living conditions."

In addition to this defense of the common home, the Pope wished that "tribal violence, which unfortunately causes many victims, does not allow people to live in peace and hinders development, may cease. An appeal to all "to interrupt the spiral of violence and to take decisively the path that leads to a fruitful collaboration, for the benefit of all the people of the country".

He also addressed "all those who profess to be Christians - the great majority of your people - I sincerely wish that faith may never be reduced to the observance of rites and precepts, but may consist in loving Jesus Christ and following him, and that it may become a lived culture, inspiring minds and actions and becoming a beacon of light that illuminates the way."

"I congratulate - concluded the Holy Father - the Christian communities for the works of charity they carry out in the country, and I urge them to always seek collaboration with public institutions and with all people of good will, beginning with the brothers of other Christian communities, confessions and of other religions, for the common good of all the citizens of Papua New Guinea".

With street and disabled children

In the afternoon, upon leaving the Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy Father Francis went by car to the Cárita Technical High Schools where, at 5:00 p.m. local time, he visited the children from Street Ministry y Callan Services.

After a welcome greeting from the Cardinal Archbishop of Port Moresby and applause and greetings, choir music and a traditional dance, a disabled child and a street child addressed the Pope, and thanked Callan Services and the work of the Archdiocese.

"Thank you, Holy Father, for your presence among us," said the first, while the second added: "You love children since you took the initiative to meet with us, even though we are not productive, sometimes we create problems, wander the streets and become a burden to others.

The Holy Father addressed a few words of greeting to the children, gave them a blessing, followed by the exchange of gifts and a group photo amidst applause and singing.

Meeting with clergy and religious

Shortly after, the Holy Father arrived at the Shrine of Mary Help of Christians where he was received with great fervor. "I greet you all with affection: bishops, priests, men and women religious, seminarians and catechists. I thank the President of the Episcopal Conference for his words," as well as the testimonies, he told those present.

The Pontiff focused on "three aspects of our Christian and missionary journey, underlined by the testimonies heard: the courage to begin, the beauty of being there and the hope of growing".

"I would like to recommend to you an important route towards which you can direct your "outings": to the peripheries of the country. I am thinking of people who belong to the most disadvantaged sectors of the urban population, as well as those who live in the most remote and abandoned areas, where the necessities are sometimes lacking. And also those who are marginalized and wounded, both morally and physically, by prejudice and superstition, sometimes to the point of risking their lives, as Santiago and Sister Lorena reminded us," two of the testimonies that the Pope had previously heard.

He added that "the beauty of being there is not so much in the great events and moments of success, but in the loyalty and love with which we strive to grow together every day.

Continue your mission," the Pontiff concluded, "as witnesses of courage, beauty and hope! I thank you for what you are doing, I bless you all from the bottom of my heart and I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me". After the blessing, the exchange of gifts, the photo with the bishops, he greeted with applause and songs those present in the courtyard.

The authorHernan Sergio Mora

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