
The Holy Year of Compostela begins on December 31

The Compostela Holy Year 2021 will begin next December 31, starting at 4:30 p.m. with the opening of the Holy Door of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela.

Maria José Atienza-December 28, 2020-Reading time: 2 minutes

The ceremony of the Opening of the Holy Door in the Cathedral of Santiago marks the beginning of this Compostela Year 2021. It will be the last day of this year 2021, December 31, when this Holy Door of the Jacobean cathedral will be opened.

From that moment on, the Holy Year will begin and, therefore, the plenary indulgence of the Jacobean Jubilee will be granted. As is tradition, the requirements to obtain it are: to visit the Cathedral, to receive the sacraments of reconciliation and the Eucharist and to pray for the Pope's intentions. The indulgence can be applied for oneself or for a deceased person.

Opening Ceremony

Due to pandemic-driven restrictions, the celebration will be limited in terms of attendeesIn fact, as already announced by the Archdiocese, a group of authorities and a representation of the diocesan life of Santiago will be able to be inside the basilica.

The ceremony, which will begin at 4:30 pm. can be followed, both through Televisión de Galicia and through the Youtube channel. of this television channel.

After the opening of the Gate, the procession of authorities, pilgrims and representatives of various Jacobean entities will take place. Afterwards, the Holy Mass will be celebrated inside the Cathedral presided by the Archbishop of Santiago, Monsignor Julián Barrio.

Other celebrations

After the Opening Eucharist, outside the church, there will be the projection of a video welcoming the Compostela Holy Year, which can also be seen on the channels that will broadcast the entire event. Finally, the celebration will conclude with a performance of traditional Galician music in the Plaza de la Quintana.

What is a Compostela Holy Year

The Holy Year of Compostela is a time in which the Church grants singular spiritual graces to the faithful. It is Compostela Holy Year when July 25, the Commemoration of the Martyrdom of St. James, falls on a Sunday.. It occurs with the periodicity 11, 6, 5, 6 years. It has its origin in 1122, with Pope Calixtus II, later confirmed by Pope Alexander III in the Bull "Regis aeterni" of 1179, conferring perpetuity.

On the occasion of the celebration of this Compostela Holy Year 2021, the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Julián Barrio Barrio, has written the Pastoral Letter "Get out of your land! The Apostle Santiago is waiting for you!" in which he highlights the "opportunity to rediscover the vitality of faith and mission received in Baptism" that this event represents. He also recalls that those who make the pilgrimage to Santiago do not seek "above all a route full of scenic charm and historical heritage, but the path of conversion towards God and towards men. The pilgrimage is a manifestation of popular piety. You walk with the Church to be challenged by the Word of God and thus be salt, leaven and light for others".

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