
Omnes November 2022: All you can find out about it

Maria José Atienza-November 5, 2022-Reading time: 2 minutes

The November 2022 issue of Omnes magazine comes with a wide range of topics ranging from polar chapels, the presence of God and the Church in the physical peripheries of the planet, an analysis on the Bahrain Pope Francis, to an extensive summary of the conversation held with Joseph WeilerRatzinger Prize for Theology 2022 and special guest at the last Omnes Forum.

In addition, since Romethe latest decisions on the Synod The last few months have been marked by the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, which will last until 2024. You will also find an interview on the Fratelli Tutti FoundationThe aim of the organization is to promote dialogue initiatives with the world around St. Peter's Basilica, an organization of religion and worship inspired by the contents of the Holy Father's latest encyclical on fraternity and social friendship.

At Spainthe recent appointment of Rosa Maria Murillo as national president of the Movement of Cursillos in Christianity Sebastián Gayá, one of the initiators of this movement, brings back to the forefront the apostolic action and the charism of Cursillos in Christianity which, with more than 60 years behind it, continues to be a privileged way in the Church to encounter Christ and the first proclamation of the faith. We talked about all of this with its new president and with Pilar Turbidí, manager of the Sebastián Gayá Foundation we know more about the figure of this exemplary priest.

The theologian Juan Luis Lorda this issue deals with the controversial figure of the Bavarian theologian Hans Küng. Lorda explains some of the keys to the thought and attitudes of this theologian who, a year after his death, continues to be an object of interest for many people. A very illustrative approach to understand the position, concerns and also the mistakes of this thinker.

Also worth knowing are the two historiogramsThe book is divided into two sections, one on the history of the Church and the other on biblical events, which are included in the Culture proposal and which help to understand the temporal development of the main Christian events. Its numerous editions demonstrate its catechetical usefulness.

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