
Demographics and the future, the theme of the October issue of Omnes

The October 2023 issue of Omnes is now available in its digital version for Omnes subscribers. In the next few days, it will also arrive at the usual address of those who have this type of subscription.

Maria José Atienza-October 5, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes
omnes october

Is immigration the solution to the demographic winter? These are some of the questions addressed by the dossier dedicated to Demographics, aging and birth rate which is the focus of the October 2023 print issue of Omnes.

With the exception of sub-Saharan Africa, all other areas of the world are in a demographic situation, if not worrying, in principle, with a decreasing trend. A reality that is already a problem for the maintenance of the economic systems of most countries in Europe, America and Asia.

The prevailing anti-natalist culture coupled with economic instability, delayed childbearing and ineffective family policies, result in an uncertain outlook in which the low birth rate emerges as a key problem that many states are failing to address.

This dossier contains the reflections of experts in Family Policies such as Raúl Sánchez Flores or Alejandro Macarrón, coordinator of the Demographic Observatory of the CEU (Spain), as well as an interview with Gianluigi de Palo, president of Fondazione per la NatalitàThe event has been held for the past three years to reflect on and promote a new pro-birth culture in Italy.

Pakistan and Mongolia

Pope Francis' trip to Mongolia, his messages and gestures, are the focus of the October section of Teachings of the Pope. Asia continues to be present in the magazine with an interesting report on Pakistan: its interreligious balance, the latest violent actions against Christian buildings and the reality of the Catholic Church in this country of official Islamic religion are the subject of this issue of the magazine.

For his part, Juan Luis Lorda, in his Theology of the Twentieth Century, addresses the relationship between the scientific world and faith. Lorda recalls the historical impulse of the Church in the development of a large part of the sciences through the universities and the false enlightened vision, persistent in some sectors in spite of its inconsistency, that the sciences and faith are opposites.

Omnes Forum

The magazine also includes a summary of the Omnes Forum dedicated to the ecclesial movements and their integration in the parishes, in which the Bishop of Alcalá de Henares, Bishop Antonio Prieto, together with the priest José Miguel Granados, the leader of Cursillos de Cristiandad María Dolores Negrillo, and the National Consiliary of Charismatic Renewal, Eduardo Toraño, took part. 

All of them agreed on the richness that these movements represent in the life of the Church. In particular, after reviewing the apostolic movements in the history of the Church, Antonio Prieto pointed out that "the movements want to revive the Gospel in its totality, with a missionary dimension"., y "they recognize in the Church their reason for being. They want to be in communion with the Church, with the successors of the Apostles and with the successor of Peter.".

The October 2023 issue of Omnes is now available in its digital version for Omnes subscribers. In the next few days, it will also arrive at the usual address of those who have this type of subscription.

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