
Numerous athletes support weaker human life

The Solidarity Race for Life was held with great success this Sunday. Athletes reminded once again the need for the defense of life in these times of attack on the weakest and most vulnerable.

Rafael Miner-June 29, 2021-Reading time: 4 minutes
race for life

Last Sunday, June 27, the Solidarity Race for Life took place in Valdebebas Park in Madrid, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Yes to Life Platform. This is the second part of this celebration, announced at the event that took place on March 21.

– Supernatural Yes to Life Platform which coordinates Alicia Latorre thanked the Asociación de Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia, chaired by Javier Jáuregui, for its efforts in organizing and carrying out this race, which brought together a hundred runners in the Valdebebas Park in Madrid. They, together with family and friends, gave testimony that they are willing to give the best of themselves in favor of nascent and suffering human life, from conception to natural death.

The event began with the reading of the Manifesto Sí a la Vida, followed by the reading of the Manifiesto de los Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia. Subsequently, the runners began to leave in shifts of three in order to avoid crowds and to keep the rules of prudence due to the pandemic. Young students, families and runners from professional clubs participated. Along the route, volunteers were on hand to mark the race area.

Commitment to life

For the Plataforma Sí a la Vida (Yes to Life Platform) it was a very special day. Alicia Latorre, its coordinator, recalled before starting that "thanks to the Asociación Deportistas por la Vida y la Familia we have had this event; and the Manifesto, which we also read in March, reflects what we defend, especially at a time when the defense of human life, especially the weakest, is under so many attacks with new laws such as euthanasia, in addition to the existing ones. Once again, the organizations express our commitment, as stated in the manifesto". 
A speech was also read by the race's godmother, Isabel de Gregorio, wife of José María Cagigal, the first director of INEF, who created this sporting lifestyle.

The INEF (Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences), is now celebrating 50 years since it "began to produce graduates in physical education," as Javier Jáuregui, president of the Association of Athletes for Life and the Family, explained. The event culminated with the presentation of awards and the testimony of Michelle, a mother who went ahead with her pregnancy after speaking with members of John Paul II Rescuers at the door of an abortion center.

Winning athletes and winning stories

In the general classification of the race, in the modality of 10 km. were in the first three positions Jorge Ayuso Cortés (1st), Jaime Simón Martin-Aragón (2nd) and Andrés Román Martín (3rd). In the modality of 5 km, were in the top three positions José Antonio Morales Robles (1st), Ricardo José García Perez (2nd) and Enrique Alonso Tena (3rd), as reported by the Platform Yes to Life.

In girls, the first classified in 5 km were Beatriz Abbad-Jaime de Aragón García (1st), Paula San Millán (2nd) and María José García López de Soria (3rd). The first classified in female veteran was Carmen López-Acevedo in 10 km, and, in the same distance, Mariano De las Heras Sanz was first in male veteran.
In addition to the Solidarity Race for Life, there has been a Short Story Contest on The gift of life and sport. In the under 19 years old category, the first prize ex aequo went to María José Gámez Collantes de Terán, 17 years old, a student in the first year of Bachillerato at the Adharaz Altasierra school (Espartinas, Seville), from the Attendis group, with a story entitled Run!and María Moreno Guillén, from Badajoz, of the same age, also a student in the first year of Bachillerato at the Puerta Palma-El Tomillar school in Badajoz, in the same educational group, with the story entitled The happiness of my life.
In the Sports category, the winner was Lorena Villalba Heredia, a native of Gijón, with the story titled NyalaAfter overcoming, triumph. Lorena Villaba is a teacher and researcher at the University of Zaragoza. The stories will be published in an electronic book in Omnes, a partner of this contest.



This is the bizum code through which you can collaborate with the Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations.

The Yes to Life Platform reminds the defenders of life that they are summoned for next year's celebration and reminds those who want to collaborate financially with the Yes to Life Platform can do so through Bizum, choosing the NGO option: Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations, code 00589.

Photos of the Race for Life

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