
Caritas calls for attention to vulnerable families ahead of elections

Natalia Peiro, general secretary of Caritas Spain, said that "it is essential that we all become aware of the importance of taking into account the people and families who are at risk. vulnerable in the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies". Caritas prepares proposals for political parties in view of this year's elections.  

Francisco Otamendi-January 21, 2023-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo: Natalia Peiro during her lecture at the Tajamar Alumni Colloquiums.

Natalia Peiro noted, on Saturday, January 21 at the Alumni Colloquiums from the Tajamar school in Vallecas, that Caritas is preparing "legislative and public policy proposals to ask the parties to include them in their electoral programs for the next general elections".

"These proposals," added the general secretary of Caritasare the result of the direct participation of people in situations of exclusion accompanied by Caritas. Our proposal is to achieve a legislative framework that guarantees human rights for society as a whole, but paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups. people with greater difficulties and who are not guaranteed an adequate standard of living".

Vulnerable households

Natalia Peiro recalled that "31.5 percent of the population does not have sufficient income to achieve a decent standard of living". dignified life. This reality makes it more necessary than ever to promote the welfare state model, with a clear orientation towards access to rights for all people".

He also said that "a third of households with serious difficulties find themselves in the situation of giving up their own health by not going to the dentist or buying a social-health accessory, such as glasses or hearing aids".

Family and school

But he warned that "these are not decisions, but impositions marked by deprivation". The general secretary of Caritas in Spain pointed out that in practice "they are survival strategies with direct negative consequences that condition their lives".

In relation to the educational community of TajamarNatalia Peiro said that "the family, schools, teachers... are the educational communities par excellence and are also the main transmitters of the faith to children.

Family and school are the ones who carry out "the formation of the heart" of these children. From there, it is obligatory to transmit that love of God is only through love of neighbor, especially the weakest.

Regarding the organization of Caritas and its recent 75th AnniversaryThe number of volunteers is 73,000, with the need for renewal in order to face new challenges.

"We are not looking for specific profiles to do work for free, we are looking for people capable of accompanying others, to spend and wear themselves out for others, to be available to listen..., and also to be willing for this dedication to change their lives," he said in the colloquium, moderated by Fernando H. Valls, journalist of La Vanguardia.

Peiro concluded by noting that the volunteers are "the heart of our organization and make possible the motto of our campaigns, which says that charity does not close. We have a great challenge in this field, which is also the challenge of the Church. The Caritas volunteers The challenge, like that of the whole Church, is the transmission of faith, the transmission of values. The challenge, like that of the whole Church, is the transmission of faith, the transmission of values.

The authorFrancisco Otamendi

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