The World

Mother Trinidad, a life dedicated to the Church, dies in Rome

The founder and president of The Work of the Church died yesterday in Rome at the age of 92 after a life of dedication and service to the Church, the pope and the bishops.

Maria José Atienza-July 29, 2021-Reading time: 2 minutes

Photo: Mother Trinidad

Trinidad Sanchez MorenoMother Trinidad died yesterday in Rome, where she had lived since 1993. A native of Dos Hermanas (Seville), on December 7, 1946, she experienced "a true invasion of God," as she herself recounted. Her immediate response was: "I will be yours forever", which she would seal the following day in the Parish of St. Mary Magdalene with her surrender before the image of the Virgin, which would mark her first and definitive steps of total consecration to God. Well known and loved in her town, with one of her three brothers, she ran for years the family business "Calzados La Favorita" in the street Ntra. In 1955 she moved to Madrid. And four years later, in 1959, God burst into her soul and made her a witness of what she had lived to take it to everyone, as the "Echo of the Church".

– Supernatural Work of the Churchfounded by the Church and whose mission is to manifest the spiritual richness of the Church by assisting the Pope and the bishops, was approved as an institution of pontifical right by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life of the Holy See in 1997 and today, more than a thousand bishops receive the writings of Mother Trinity, which are sent to them monthly and which help them in their spiritual life, either through the organization of retreats for priests, seminarians or lay people in their own dioceses.

This Institution has several houses of apostolate, among them the house where Mother Trinidad was born in Dos Hermanas. The Work of the Church also has stable centers in Spain (Madrid, Guadalajara, Cadiz, Toledo, Valladolid, Avila), Italy (Rome, Albano Laziale and Rocca di Papa) and Equatorial Guinea (Malabo), although it also carries out apostolic missions in other countries. In Seville, they are entrusted with the parish of St. Bartholomew and St. Stephen, in the historic center of the city.

The funeral Mass for his eternal repose will be celebrated on Sunday, August 1 at 3:00 p.m. in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls in Rome, y will be available live on its web.

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