
Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a saint for our time

On September 4, during the Jubilee of Mercy and 19 years after her birth to heaven, Pope Francis canonized in St. Peter's Square the Albanian-born nun Mother Teresa of Calcutta, beatified by St. John Paul II in 2003. Nobel Peace Prize laureate, she made love for the least and the disinherited her principal earthly mission.

Giovanni Tridente-December 12, 2016-Reading time: 5 minutes

A Saint for our times. On Sunday, September 4, Pope Francis canonizes in St. Peter's Square Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, foundress of the Missionaries and Missionaries of Charity, whose earthly apostolate was entirely dedicated to the care of the poorest and most marginalized of society.

Raising her to the honors of the altars in the Jubilee of Mercy, nineteen years after her birth to heaven, the Holy Father proposes her as a model and hope for our times, and of a Church that cares for those who are left behind or even "discarded" on a daily basis. Mother Teresa spent all her energies - from the vigor of her early years to the increasing health problems of recent times - to heal the sufferings of the poorest of the poor, of so many of the poor, of so many of the poorest of the poor, of so many of the poor. "unloved, unloved, uncared for." she met in the streets. And today, she is singled out as an "apostle of the least of these".

There is only one God, and he is one God for all.

A woman who has been able to transform the conception of welfare practices, placing the Gospel model at the center, which is a reciprocal relationship between the giver and the receiver, in understanding and respect, sharing lifestyles and living conditions.

She considered that "being rejected is the worst disease a human being can suffer from".The initiatives have always had an inclusive and welcoming character, even in the diversity of cultures, languages and religions. "There is only one God, and he is one God for all."he once wrote; that is why "it is important that all appear equal before Him.": "we must help a Hindu to be a better Hindu, a Muslim to be a better Muslim, and a Catholic to be a better Catholic.".

The Congregation founded by her was officially recognized in 1950 in the Archdiocese of Calcutta, and gradually began to spread to various parts of India; the spread to other countries of the world, including the communist countries of the former Soviet Union and Cuba, began in 1965, when Paul VI granted the Missionaries of Charity pontifical right.

Later, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity (1963), the contemplative of the sisters (1979), the Contemplative Brothers (1979), and the Missionary Fathers of Charityad (1984), as far as religious vocations are concerned; but he also founded the branch of the lay and that of the Missionaries and that of the Collaboratorsof different creeds and nationalities, and the Corpus Christi Movement (1991) for priests who wanted to share her charism. At her death, Mother Teresa's sisters numbered about 4,000, present in 610 mission houses in 123 countries; today the number of houses in the world is 758 (242 in India), and the sisters number 5,150.

In the preface to the book "Let us love the unlovable." -published in the past few weeks and which collects two unpublished interventions of the new saint in 1973 in Milan, in a meeting with young people and religious women - on the example of Mother Teresa, Pope Francis invites young people to be "bridge builders to overcome the logic of division, of rejection, of fear of one another." and to put themselves at the service of the poor.

Five key words

She then highlighted 5 key words that summarize well the existential and missionary trajectory of the apostle of charity. First and foremost, prayer, in order to rediscover every day "the taste of life". y "to take a fresh look at whom we meet".. Charity, to become close to "to the peripheries of men". y "witnesses of God's caress for every wound of humanity.". Operative Mercy, which for Mother Teresa was "the guide of his life, the path to holiness, and it could be for us as well".. Family, where the figure of the mother stands out: the Albanian nun asked the mothers to bring back "prayer to your families".being "more and more the joy and comfort of God". Finally, young people, to whom the Pope, following the example of the saint, asks that "do not lose hope, do not let your future be stolen".to fly high, to be nourished by the Word of God and, in dialogue, to offer a witness to the whole world.

The initiatives

Numerous initiatives are planned for what is considered one of the most significant events of the Holy Year of Mercy, along with the transfer and veneration of the remains of St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. Leopold Mandic in the Vatican Basilica in February.

After a large thematic exhibition dedicated to Mother Teresa in the traditional Meeting of Rimini for Friendship among Peoples - the meeting organized by the Rimini movement for Communion and LiberationOn September 2, a prayer vigil will be held in the Basilica of St. John Lateran with Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini, followed by a solemn Eucharistic adoration. The prayer intentions will be directed to the holiness of families, religious and especially priests, ministers of mercy. During adoration it will also be possible to approach the Sacrament of Confession in various languages.

On September 3, Pope Francis' Jubilee catechesis will be held in St. Peter's Square, and in the afternoon, in the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, a time of prayer and meditation with art and music will be held, followed by Holy Mass and the veneration of the relics of the saint.

The other important event, after the highlight of the canonization on September 4 in St. Peter's Square presided over by Pope Francis, will be the celebration of the Mass of Thanksgiving the following day, presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, on the first liturgical feast of the saint.

On the afternoon of September 5, in the Basilica of St. John Lateran, it will be possible to venerate the relics of the nun, which will also be exposed during the following day. On September 7 and 8, the relics will go to the Church of St. Gregory the Great, where it will also be possible to visit Mother Teresa's room in the adjoining convent.

The miracle

The miracle attributed to the intercession of the future saint consists of the healing, which took place in 2008, of a Brazilian man from the diocese of Santos, now 42 years old, who went into a coma in the operating room due to "multiple brain abscesses with obstructive hydrocephalus"The patient was found to be perfectly conscious, sitting up, awake and symptom-free when the surgeon entered the operating room. After a half-hour delay due to technical problems, when the surgeon entered the operating room, he found the patient perfectly conscious, seated, awake and symptom-free; it was later learned that his wife had asked her acquaintances to pray to the Blessed of Calcutta, to whom she was devoted.

In September last year, the disappearance of the disease was unanimously declared scientifically inexplicable by the medical consultation. Subsequently, the favorable opinion of the theologian consultants and of the bishops and cardinals also arrived.

Good Samaritan Icon

Mother Teresa is buried in Calcutta, at the headquarters of the Missionaries of Charity. On her tomb, simple and white, is written the verse from the Gospel of John: "Love one another as I have loved you."in memory of his extraordinary testimony of operative mercy.

St. John Paul II, in proclaiming her blessed in 2003, said of her: "Icon of the Good Samaritan, she went everywhere to serve Christ in the poorest of the poor. Not even conflicts and wars could stop her.". And he added: "By the witness of her life, Mother Teresa reminds everyone that the evangelizing mission of the Church passes through charity, nourished by prayer and listening to the word of God.". His greatness, the Polish Pope continued in his homily, "lies in his ability to give without regard to cost, to give 'until it hurts.' His life was a radical love and a bold proclamation of the Gospel.".


5.9.1997 Mother Teresa surrenders her soul to God. Less than two years after her death, the Cause of Canonization is initiated.

19.10.2003 She was beatified by St. John Paul II during World Missionary Day, only six years after her death.

4.9.2016 The Pope proclaims her a saint. The miracle attributed to her intercession is the healing of a seriously ill man.

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