
Bishop Segura: "The focus of this campaign is to give thanks".

The bishop in charge of the Secretariat for the Support of the Church and José María Albalad, director of the Secretariat, presented the Diocesan Church Day 2022 campaign, which comes with a rebranding of the "For So Many" brand.

Maria José Atienza-October 27, 2022-Reading time: 3 minutes
by so many_diocesan church

Next Sunday, November 6, the Spanish Church will celebrate Diocesan Church Day. A day that the Spanish Episcopal Conference wants it to become an opportunity to say "Thank you for so much" to the people who collaborate in the Church in one way or another and that is the motto proposed for this year's campaign.

In this sense, Bishop Segura highlighted how "the focus of this campaign is to thank: "To thank the work, the commitment of so many people: for the time, the qualities that each one contributes, also those who do not have time or capabilities and support with their prayer". "A prayer that many people do permanently", he wanted to emphasize, such as "sick or in the life of celebration".

Nor did the Bishop of Bilbao want to forget the gratitude for the economic support" of so many people since "with so much work that the Church has to do, with all the projects that are sustained... The economic dimension is very important". 

Segura also emphasized how gratuity is a key element in the Church, materialized in so many people who give their gifts and time voluntarily at a time when "gratuity is not so much defended in other areas".

"Por Tantos" has a new image

For his part, José María Albalad wanted to explain the evolution of the "Por tantos" brand, which is being launched this year and which responds to the need "to adapt to new visual languages. It is not a question of following fashions but of keeping up with people and the world has changed substantially".

The brand maintains the "essential values and attributes" that have defined it since its birth in 2007 and its evolution can be summarized, according to Albalad, in three keys: 1- the transition to a more human brand: in which the "X" condenses faith, humanity and dedication. 2- The projection of movement -future- of the new logo and, 3- The disappearance of the income box from the image with the aim that it graphically contains everything that, as of today, represents the brand "for so many" and that includes everything related to the Diocesan Church Day, the 24/7 Church project and the income tax campaign.

The campaign of the diocesan Church will have a comprehensive media plan, which combines analog media: magazine and posters, as well as the presence in digital media. In fact, from the Secretariat for Church Support they repeat their presence in social networks such as Instagram or TikTok.

"The Church does not live on Mars."

The current socio-economic context, marked by the crisis, and its impact on the data on donations to the Catholic Church were some of the questions asked during the intervention of those responsible for the support of the Church.

In view of this situation, José María Albalad pointed out that "The Church does not live on Mars, but is very close to the earth. It is evident that we see an increase in the needs of the people, not only materially, but also spiritually, emotionally and spiritually. Thanks to this contribution of the people we are talking about today, the Church is being able to support, not only financially but also in these areas, so many people".

Both Albalad and Segura have focused on the "change of modality" of collaboration of the files with the Church since "in some places the money collected in mass collections has decreased" but "periodic subscriptions and donations through the web have increased".". A way, moreover, that "allows dioceses and parishes to draw up much more realistic budgets".

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