
Bishop Joseba Segura is the new bishop of Bilbao

The hitherto auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Biscay has served as diocesan administrator since the inauguration of Bishop Iceta as Archbishop of Burgos last December.

Maria José Atienza-May 11, 2021-Reading time: < 1 minute

At noon today, the appointment of the new Msgr. Joseba Segura Etxezarraga as bishop of Bilbao. Segura is currently auxiliary bishop and diocesan administrator of this same diocese, which was vacant after the transfer of Bishop Mario Iceta to Burgos, the see of which he took possession on December 5, 2020.

In his first greeting to the Diocese as titular bishop, Bishop Segura expressed the hope that this appointment will be good news "for this community of faith to which I have always belonged and which now receives me as bishop". The Bishop of Bilbao also referred to the current situation of our society that poses "increasingly demanding challenges" to the Church.

Auxiliary Bishop of Bilbao from 2019

Bishop Joseba Segura, 63, was born in Bilbao on May 10, 1958. He entered the seminary of Bilbao at the age of 17. He was ordained a priest on January 4, 1985. He has a degree in Psychology (1983) and a doctorate in Theology (1989) from the University of Deusto. Between 1992 and 1996 he completed a Master's degree in Economics at Boston College in the United States.

He carried out his priestly ministry in the diocese of Bilbao, although between 2006 and 2017 he was in Ecuador, working pastorally in Quito and as a member of the national Caritas of Ecuador. 

On February 12, 2019, his appointment as auxiliary bishop of Bilbao was made public and on April 6 of the same year he was ordained bishop. Since December 6, 2020 he is also diocesan administrator.

In the Spanish Episcopal Conference, he is a member of the Economic Council since March 2020. It also belongs to the Episcopal Commission for Missions and Cooperation with the Churches from November 2019

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