
Bishop Argüello: "I ask respect for the 'euthanasia-free zones'".

The Secretary General of the EEC, Monsignor Luis Argüello, reported on the work carried out in the recently concluded meeting of the Permanent Commission of the EEC and responded to issues such as pardons for Catalan politicians, abuses or the approval of the law on euthanasia. 

Maria José Atienza-June 24, 2021-Reading time: 7 minutes

The Spanish bishops who are part of the Standing Commission have held their usual meeting before the summer. Two days in which different topics have been discussed, among which stand out the preparation of the diocesan phase of the Synod of Bishops, the entry into force of the new statutes of the EEC or the implementation of the obligation of regulatory compliance - Compliance - within the EEC.

On this occasion, the meeting of the Bishops of the Standing Commission of the EEC was also attended by the auxiliary bishop of Lisbon and members of the organizing team for the World Youth Day to be held in the Portuguese capital in 2023. On this topic, they learned about the preparations that are being carried out and were able to receive the experience of the WYD held in Madrid in 2011. In addition, Argüello pointed out that the next meeting in Santiago de Compostela in 2022, during the European youth pilgrimage, will also be a moment of invitation to participate in this World Youth Day.

Current issues in Spain, such as the entry into force of the euthanasia law in Spain, the development of the work of the offices for the attention of abuses or the pardons to Catalan politicians have been the focus of the round of questions from the media.

Respect for "euthanasia-free zones".

Regarding the entry into force of the Euthanasia LawThe Secretary General of the EEC recalled the many statements that bishops and the Conference itself have made on this issue since the first moment in which the introduction of this law, which is a direct attack on dignity and life, began to be considered. As Bishop Argüello pointed out, "we are entering an inclined plane. In the first days we will see even in the media, people saying that they want to avail themselves of this right - a perplexing right because the subject is eliminated to exercise it - and from there the risk that many people who can be considered a face for their own families will experience an added pressure".

The Auxiliary Bishop of Valladolid called for the birth in "Spain of a strong movement for the defense of life, the promotion of life and palliative care" and urged "respect for the conscientious objection of health care providers who do not want to enter into the process and the decision of entities whose ideology puts the dignity of people and care first, which declare on their door that they are an euthanasia-free zone, free of provoked death".

In this sense, Bishop Argüello recalled that "causing death cannot be a social reference to solve problems or suffering".

"We can always improve."

Bishop Arguello responded to the question about the "insufficient" work of the Church on the issue of abuse by dismissing as unjust the letter sent by a group of United Nations human rights experts urging the Vatican to take measures to curb sexual abuse and reproaching the Church for the inadequacy of its actions. Msgr. Arguello stressed that "I don't know if there is any organization in the world that has been so closely scrutinized and has given a response on this issue. Both from the center, with the Pope, and in the episcopal conferences".

Argüello recalled that the offices set up in the various dioceses continue their work "some have not received any complaint" and stressed that he is grateful for "all communications that encourage us to improve; but at the same time we are making a journey especially encouraged - and sometimes pulled by the ears of Pope Francis himself - trying to respond to this issue in the order of prevention, collaboration with civil authorities, and attention and dialogue with the victims as far as possible".

"Sentiment cannot be elevated to legal status."

Asked about the opinion of the bishops regarding the granting of pardons to Catalan politicians, the Secretary General of the EEC responded that "during these days, the bishops, including prelates of the Catalan dioceses, have made an exercise of dialogue and communion". Luis Argüello pointed out that the bishops support an exercise of dialogue, always within the framework of the application of the law, justice, the separation of powers and avoiding immovable attitudes, which lead nowhere. Argüello has also appealed to address "an entrenched issue from reason because this issue cannot be resolved simply from sentiment. Sentiment cannot be elevated to a legal category either for national or anthropological identity".

Complete note

– Supernatural Standing Committee The Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) met in Madrid on June 22 and 23, 2021, for an ordinary meeting. As has already happened in other meetings since the beginning of the pandemic, the bishops have been able to participate in the meeting in person or telematically.

Launching of the itinerary for the next Synod of Bishops

In October of next year the Church will hold a meeting of the Synod of Bishops on the theme "For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission". Pope Francis has wanted all bishops and dioceses to participate in the synodal itinerary with a celebration of the opening of the Synod in each diocese, scheduled for October 17.

The diocesan phase of the synod provides for listening to all the People of God, with particular attention to those who are far away. To this end, each diocese will appoint a diocesan leader for the synodal consultation. Archbishop Vicente Jiménez Zamora, Archbishop Emeritus of Saragossa, has been entrusted with the task of coordinating the work of the synod so that an itinerary can be drawn up.

In addition, it has been agreed that April 30, 2022 will be the date for the celebration of the pre-synodal Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Church in Spain.

Modification of the EEC Organisms Regulation

The entry into force of the new statutes of the EEC, starting from the Plenary meeting of March 2020, brings with it the elaboration of new regulations for each of the bodies that articulate the EEC: the Plenary Assembly, the Permanent Commission, the Executive Commission and the Episcopal Commissions. The Permanent Commission, in its previous meeting, foresaw that it would be studied in depth in this meeting. The member bishops were informed of the regulations of each of the organizations, which will be studied again at the next meeting of the Permanent Commission, before being passed on to the Plenary Assembly in November.

Implementation of the obligation of regulatory compliance.

The bishops have been studying in recent days the necessary development of a regulatory compliance plan in the Episcopal Conference. To this end, several proposals for the development of this activity have been presented with experts of recognized prestige.

The difficulty generally presented by law firms is the lack of knowledge of the organizational and internal legal complexity of Catholic Church entities, which requires knowledge of Canon Law and State Ecclesiastical Law in order to offer programs that are accurate, effective and reliable.

The Executive Committee, at its meeting of June 9, 2021, agreed to appoint Rich & Associates to carry out the Compliance of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.

Lines of pastoral action of the EEC for the five-year period 2021-2025

The bishops of the Standing Commission have known the final version of the "Lines of Pastoral Action of the Spanish Episcopal Conference for the five-year period 2021-2025" after introducing the contributions of the bishops in the Plenary Assembly last April, which approved this document. The itinerary of the next Synod has also been incorporated.

"Faithful to Missionary Sending. Keys to the present context, ecclesial framework and lines of work" is the title of this document which aims to help the Episcopal Conference and its Commissions and services in their pastoral, personal and institutional conversion.

Meeting with diocesan officials responsible for the care of victims of abuse

The Standing Commission has approved to summon the diocesan officials responsible for the care of victims of abuse to a joint meeting next September following the creation, at the April Plenary, of the advisory service for diocesan offices for the protection of minors and the prevention of abuse.

Ecclesia Project, in paper and digital format

The president of the Episcopal Commission for Social Communications, Bishop José Manuel Lorca Planes, presented to the members of the Standing Commission the new project of the magazine Ecclesia, in paper and digital format. The magazine wants to bring its quality content in paper to the digital environment. Its director, Silvia Rozas, who also spoke, presented this project to the Standing Commission, which was well received by the bishops.

Other agenda items

The bishops of the Standing Commission have approved the translations of the Litany of St. Joseph and the calendar of meetings of the EEC bodies for the year 2022. The Spiritual Exercises will take place from February 6 to 13. The Plenary Assemblies, April 25-29 and November 21-25. The meetings of the Standing Commissions will be held on March 8 and 9; June 21 and 22; and September 27 and 28.

They also discussed the participation of the EEC in the World Youth Day to be held in Portugal in 2023.

In the cinancial chapterIn the first half of the year, the balances and budgetary liquidation of the EEC Interdiocesan Common Fund for the year 2020 were studied for approval at the November Plenary.

They also received information on the current status of Ábside, which integrates COPE and TRECE, on the activities of the Episcopal Commissions, and on various economic and follow-up issues.


The Standing Committee has approved the following appointments:

  • José María Albalad Aiguabella, a layman of the Archdiocese of Zaragoza, as director of the Secretariat for the Support of the Church.
  • Juan José Toral Fernándezpriest of the Diocese of Guadix, as a member of the "Federación Española de Pueri Cantores" (Spanish Federation of Pueri Cantores).
  • José Antonio Cano Canopriest of the Diocese of Cartagena, as General Consiliary of the "General Catholic Action" (ACG).
  • Concepción Santiago AlonsoShe is a laywoman of the Archdiocese of Seville, as national president of the "Asociación de Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl" (St. Vincent de Paul Charity Association).
  • Javier Antonio Serra Casanova, CM, member of the Congregation of the Mission and the Daughters of Charity, as national advisor of "Vincentian Marian Youth of Spain".
  • Vicente Aldavero Izquierdoa layman of the Diocese of Albacete, as president of the "Federación de Scouts Católicos de Castilla-La Mancha" (FSC-CLM).
  • Dolores Loreto García Pí, member of the Focolare movement and belonging to the Archdiocese of Madrid, re-elected as General President of the Laity Forum.
  • Javier Fernández-Cid Plañiola layman of the Archdiocese of Madrid, as president of the association "Acción Social Empresarial" (ASE).

In addition, the Standing Commission has given its authorization for the Episcopal Commission for Education and Culture to entrust the priest of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, Carlos Ballbé Sala, with the coordination of the Pastoral Care of Sports.

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